How To Make Chia Seed Gel And What Are Its Benefits

Besides being an ideal supplement for athletes and to lose weight, chia seeds help regulate cholesterol and take care of our heart health

  1. Chia seeds are a very ancient food that became known around the world from the 1970s. It is believed that they come from Guatemala and Mexico and, according to historical data, they were used by Aztec warriors as energy food. Many of its properties have been confirmed in this study by Putra Malaysia University, and, in fact, its nutritional value allowed it to enter the catalog of “superfoods”. Do you want to know more about its properties and how to make chia seed gel? Keep reading

Despite their tiny size, chia seeds are a rich source of antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids, and soluble and insoluble fiber, among other important nutrients. In addition, after making contact with water, it creates a natural gel that can be combined with other foods to support the diet.

Chia seeds, also known as Hispanic Salviacan be found at various supermarkets and herbal stores. Since they have become popular in recent years, they are increasingly available to everyone. Next we want to tell you how it is prepared and what are the benefits of consuming it on a regular basis. Aim!

How to prepare chia seed gel?


  • 6 ½ tablespoons of chia seeds (100 g)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)


  1. Put the chia seeds in the blender, add the water and blend for several minutes to avoid lumps
  2. Wait a few minutes, beat again and let it rest for about 10 or 15 minutes for the gel to form
  3. When you get it, mix half of the product with another half of the foods you want to combine

Chia seeds.

How can I use it?

The chia seed gel you get can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks without losing its consistency. You can use chia gel as a complement to:

    • Hot and cold cereals
    • Tomato sauces
    • Mustard
    • Salad dressings
    • Barbecue sauce
    • Jams and jellies
    • Yogurt and sour cream
    • Homemade cakes and breads

What are the benefits of chia seed gel?

Due to its high energy value, high nutrient content and high water content, chia seed gel has several benefits for the general health of the body, we will tell you about them:

1. It is hydrating

Regular consumption of this gel helps maintain adequate levels of hydration in the body, thanks to its supply of water and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron. It is recommended for athletes, since it recovers the mineral salts that are lost during physical activity.

2. Improves digestion

Its soluble and insoluble fiber content make it a great solution against indigestion and heartburn caused by spicy and acidic foods. These nutrients regulate the bowel movement and keep the pH balanced to avoid toxins and constipation.

3. Regulates LDL cholesterol

The soluble fiber that it provides in small amounts serves to lower the levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol in the blood and prevent the obstruction of the blood vessels. This is stated in this study from Lahore University.

In addition, it contains essential fatty acids that clean the veins and prevent the oxidation of lipids.

4. Control blood sugar levels

The nutrients in these seeds not only prolong the feeling of fullness, but help to slow down the conversion of carbohydrates into simple sugars within the digestive system. Added to the diet, they regulate blood glucose levels and prevent both spikes and sudden drops.

This study carried out by the University of Cambridge has recently shown that “long-term supplementation with Salba (S. hispanica L.) attenuates the main cardiovascular (systolic blood pressure) and emerging risk factors beyond conventional therapy, while maintaining good glycemic and lipid control in individuals with well-controlled type 2 diabetes ”.

5. Increase energy

The essential fatty acids, proteins and antioxidants in this product increase physical and mental performance, especially in those people who exercise or have many physically demanding tasks during their day.

Chia has a protein content that ranges between 19 and 23%, which is higher than that associated with traditional cereals, presenting an additional advantage that it does not contain gluten, as stated by the same study in the first paragraph.

6. Improves mood

Chia seed gel contains a good amount of tryptophan, an essential amino acid related to an increase in serotonin in the brain and a better mood. When ingested, the production of this neurotransmitter is stimulated and stress and tension are put to rest.

7. Helps to lose weight

This is because they have satiating properties that control the desire to eat more calories than you should. Since they expand in the stomach due to their jelly-like consistency, they suppress the appetite for longer and reduce episodes of anxiety.  In addition, its nutrients and active compounds support the function of metabolism and the digestive system, as also explained by research from the University of Cambridge.

Helps to lose weight

Have you not included this food supplement in your diet yet? Go ahead and prepare it at home and consume it regularly to see that it has many benefits for your body.

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