How To Make A Pillow Mist For Better Sleep

Pillow mists (that is, lotions with soothing scents that come in a spray) are all the rage. They are a type of scented water with a delicate and soft aroma, specially designed to be applied on the pillows of people who have difficulty sleeping.

Although they can be found in health food stores and some parapharmacies, they can also be made at home with some elements as simple as chamomile, for example. Would you like to take the test? In that case, don’t stop reading everything that we are going to tell you below.

A little more about pillow mists

Woman sleeping on her side hugging the pillow

Pillow mist is part of aromatherapy, which, in turn, is a type of therapy that seeks to alleviate certain minor discomforts and promote well-being in general, through the use of certain olfactory or olfactory stimuli. , rather, aromas.

Lavender, geraniums and vanilla are some of the elements that offer a pleasant, relaxing aroma that is suitable for promoting a good night’s sleep. For this reason, they are elements commonly used in the preparation of these mists, but be careful, always in very specific quantities, so that the effect is mild and does not produce adverse reactions, such as a headache.

On the other hand, it must be borne in mind that the amount of mist applied to the pillow must always be very precise: a single spray, at a safe distance, is sufficient. This will help prevent the pillow from being overly scented.

Recipe for making a homemade pillow mist

It is very important that, within the variety of aromas that are recommended, you choose the one that is most pleasant and relaxing for you. Likewise, avoid making combinations of more than 3-4 aromas in a first test, so as not to create a very concentrated mist and end up having a bad night’s rest.

The following recipe is one of the many options that exist to prepare your first mist, if among your favorite aromas are citrus fruits and summer flowers. You don’t have to follow it if it doesn’t catch your eye, but if it does, remember to keep the amounts of the elements as much as possible so that you don’t have a too penetrating mixture.


  • 1/2 vanilla stick.
  • 1/2 liter of distilled water.
  • The orange peel.
  • 5 drops of essential oils of vanilla or orange blossom.
  • A bottle with a diffuser.


  • The first thing we will do is boil the vanilla and the orange peel in the half liter of water.
  • When the water comes to a boil, we let it stay that way for two minutes. This is to achieve an infusion in which the essences of these two natural products stand out.
  • Once this time has elapsed, we will lower the temperature of the fire and begin to stir slowly with the help of a spoon.
  • Five minutes later we can turn off the heat and let the liquid cool in the pot (without lid).
  • Once it is completely cold, we will strain it.
  • Then, it is time to add the essential oils (5 drops of each, of which we have chosen).
    • Both vanilla and orange blossom are good options to achieve an exquisite mix between citrus and floral, which greatly relaxes the senses and is very pleasant.
    • Avoid combining two or more oils the first few times you prepare your mist, so that you can try smells and soft mixtures.
  • We stir everything well inside the pot with the help of the spoon, and we introduce the content in the little bottle with a spray that we have chosen.
  • It is not recommended that you use another type of container (with an eyedropper, for example), as it does not produce the “haze” effect you want. The spray or spray container is key.

If you want to try two essential oils, you could divide the liquid into two pots and put one type of oil in each. Then you can put the result in different bottles, and thus get two different pillow mists.

Use tips

Benefits of silk pillowcases.

  • To preserve the pillow mists, the container must be placed in the refrigerator or in a cool and dry place, such as the closet or a drawer.
  • The maximum duration time is about three weeks. Anyway, if at any point you notice that it no longer smells as much as at the beginning, you can prepare a new one.
  • Rose water is both a good base for pillow mists and a very good mist on its own.

In case you do not like putting aromas on your pillow, because they do not help you sleep well, you can use the mists to set your room or other spaces in your home.

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