How To Make A Natural Honey, Cinnamon And Orange Soap

Natural soaps can be prepared with different ingredients and in different ways. And, despite the fact that there are countless products from which we can obtain one of the best handmade soap, today we focus on honey, orange and cinnamon soap.

It is important that you know that the vast majority of soaps you buy are not really natural soaps, but detergents. Generally, they are products made with chemicals that often mistreat your skin. Even more so if you have delicate skin or want to look as radiant as possible.

There are also many people who are allergic to different soaps  that, although apparently they look very gentle on the skin, end up creating allergies that you did not have before.

It is for this reason that we want to recommend that you make your own soaps, naturally, cheaply and easily. With ingredients that are easy to buy and, most importantly, they do not contain chemicals that can be devastating to your skin.

Natural honey, cinnamon and orange soap

honey for soap


Different essential oils (AE)

Essential oils are plant extracts in the form of volatile liquids obtained from different parts of plants such as leaves, berries, grasses, petals, roots, peel, fruit, resins and wood.

  • Orange essential oil 6 ml.
  • Grapefruit AE 3 ml.
  • Benzoin essential oil 3 ml.
  • Lemon AE 3 ml.
  • 10 grams of caustic soda.
  • 235 grams of water.
  • Cinnamon powder.
  • 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • Aloe vera.
  • 210 grams of babasu oil, another 210 grams of olive oil, 130 grams of coconut oil and another 130 grams of jojoba oil.

Soap preparation

If you want your soap to have an intense smell, you can increase the amount of essential oils  and fragrance; that depends on your taste.

  • You must use a silicone mold that withstands high temperatures. Depending on the size of the mold, this is how your soap will turn out.
  • Apply some ground cinnamon to the bottom of the silicone mold. This so that, when the soap is completely finished, it has bits of cinnamon that will give it a good fragrance.
  • Bring the essential oils to a boil over low heat. Make sure they don’t get hotter than 70 degrees.
  • Put the water with the aloe vera in a glass. In another glass, put some of the caustic soda. For this step you need to put on glasses and a protective mask.

How to mix the ingredients


  • In a glass, mix the caustic soda with water and stir very well. This will produce a lot of heat and steam. Let it cool a bit and add a teaspoon of honey.
  •  In another clean container, mix the soda and water with the essential oils, and beat until it is like a gel. This must be done with protective goggles on.
  • Apply  10 drops of lemon to essential oils. This is intended to fix citrus essential oils.
  • Add the oil mixture, the caustic soda, the water and the lemon drops to the mold. This can be placed on top of a wooden board for added security.
  • Once all the mixture is well deposited in the mold, the mixture should be left to rest for 6 to 24 hours. Later, you will see how you can remove the soap from the mold when it is completely hard and appears dry.
  • Finally, you can  put it to dry in a ventilated place for 6 to 8 weeks.


Once all these steps that we mentioned above have been carried out, you will be able to obtain one of the most important products for the care and hygiene of your body.

On the other hand, and what is more important, you will be calm knowing that what you are applying has been done by your own hands and with the most natural and simple ingredients. Which, without a doubt, will not harm your skin and will be prevented from any type of allergy or disease.

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