How To Improve The Appearance Of The Face Without Using Makeup

As women start to use makeup, we realize that later it will be very difficult for us to stop using it. Although at times we lack time or become lazy, we have become accustomed to improving the appearance of our face and we are no longer able to see ourselves with dark circles, wrinkles, spots or imperfections.

In this article we give you some tricks to avoid makeup from time to time  and make our face look natural and radiant. 

Non-toxic makeup

Non-toxic makeup

There are many types of makeup. For this reason, when choosing it, we should opt for the highest quality ones. However, we are referring only to quality in terms of results on our skin, but to be as natural as possible, free of heavy metals, preservatives or other toxic substances.

More and more makeup brands are opting for more natural and healthy ingredients for our skin, taking into account that these will penetrate through the pores to reach the bloodstream.

Lead-free lipsticks or formaldehyde-free nail polishes are some examples of this new toxic-free cosmetic that gives us much more confidence.

The tricks of the grandmothers

And what did women do when the makeup we have today did not exist? They resorted to homemade products such as foods or herbs with surprising effects, as well as some advice that was passed down from mother to daughter as the best kept secret.

Today we recover these tricks because they are cheap and effective, and they allow us to do without makeup from time to time and have more time for other things.

Quick self-massage

What is most difficult for us to accept is our face asleep and dull in the morning. To give it a bright and awake look, the first thing we can do is activate circulation.

We will achieve this by performing a self-massage with both hands, just after washing our face with cold water.

  • We will start gently, from the neck to the root of the hair on the forehead.
  • We will continue with a little more intensity, making circles and insisting on the area of ​​the cheeks and around the eyes.
  • At the moment we will be able to notice a very pleasant sensation.

Facial cleansing with vegetables

Facial cleansing with vegetables

If we usually have blackheads or pimples that we need to camouflage with makeup, we can get used to doing a quick cleaning of the skin with some fruit or vegetables.

Pineapple, apple, strawberry, cucumber, or tomato are excellent options.

  • We only have to pass a piece on our skin, wait a minute for it to dry and wash our face again.

    In addition to preventing impurities in an economic and natural way, we will also gain softness and luminosity. 

    Potato for bags

    Do you wake up with puffy eyelids and bags under your eyes? This gives a very tired look to the face and makes us look older. Although anti-dark circles products help us to hide them, here we propose something fast, natural and effective.

    • We will cut two slices of raw potato and we will pass them throughout the area. If we have time, we can lie on our back, with the slices over our eyes closed, for a few minutes.

    An ice cube to tone

    Another way to revitalize the face and give it firmness is to take an ice cube and use it to massage the skin, insisting especially on the areas that we notice more inflamed or dull.

    Right after we will take the opportunity to apply our usual moisturizer.

    Pinch your cheeks


    Do you want an immediate effect to blush your cheeks and achieve a radiant appearance ? Pinch them a little. Although the effect is short-lived, you can repeat it when you need to make a more striking first impression.

    It will be as if you were using a very natural blush.

    Bite your lips

    We can also give the lips a stronger and more natural color, taking advantage of any moment we have to nibble a little, gently.

    If what we want is to give them more volume, we can take advantage of a few minutes that we have to do a simple exercise: we will only have to put our lips in our mouth as much as we can, squeeze them and then take them out, putting “snouts”. We will repeat it several times.

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