How To Imitate Grandmothers’ Cooking

There is no doubt, the kitchen of the grandmothers is the best. Surely you remember more than one dish that she prepared for you when you were little. Three generations before, the kitchen was lived differently.

To be able to return to those times and eat healthier, more homemade; spending a little more time preparing lunch and dinner… Read the following article where you will learn how to imitate grandmothers’ cooking!

Grandmothers kitchen is the best: universal truth

Soup made by grandmother

You don’t know of anyone who can deny it, there’s nothing quite like grandma’s food. He spent more hours of the day preparing food, a way of showing affection like no other. Despite this and unfortunately, nowadays there is not enough time (or not looking for) to cook as she did or does.

The abundant, homemade dishes accompanied by a great recipe book with some secret ingredients  have been forgotten. However, more and more women are encouraged to copy what their grandmothers did and try to avoid fast and pre-cooked food, as the experts advise.

If you want to change your bad habits in the kitchen, these tips will help you to imitate the kitchen of the grandmothers.

Have the right utensils

The right instruments cannot be missing in your kitchen. Perhaps you do not have as much space as there was in the houses before, where this room was one of the largest in the home; But, at least, try to have most of the necessary elements for each recipe.

You can borrow them if it is a special occasion or use a single utensil for more than one function. However, we must not forget that a stew pot is not the same as a saucepan to boil rice, a pan to make an omelette is not the same as frying an egg, etc.

On the other hand, although today everything is made of plastic or silicone, try to return to materials such as stainless steel, clay pots or wooden spoons. A study carried out by the Technical Journal of Energy would  corroborate this popular wisdom stating that stainless steel would be the least reactive of all kitchen utensils.

Do not hesitate, the food will have a different flavor; so you can put aside the Teflon and the microwave.

Grandmother cooking.

Have the necessary equipment

A little complementing the previous idea, do not hesitate to use an apron with pockets to have, for example, the recipe book more at hand.

Make sure that you do not lack anything in that eagerness to cook just like her. Make space in the kitchen or on the table according to the preparation, turn off the television or radio, leave your mobile on vibrating … and get to work!

Multiply the amounts like in grandmothers’ kitchen

More than once it has happened to you that when you returned from your grandmother’s house, you weighed about five kilos more. This is because they love to cook like for a battalion. They always want you to eat more because they think that, otherwise, you didn’t like what they prepared  or because “you look so skinny.”

If there are five of you at the table, cook as if you were fifteen. That is when you will need an “XL” pot, a refrigerator and a pantry full of groceries.

Keep in mind the menu

Remember a typical Sunday at your grandmother’s house. You started with the starter, which could be a vegetable soup; Pasta with sauce followed, then meat with salad or potatoes; and it ended with a good homemade dessert and coffee. When you thought you were going to explode, it was time for pasta with tea.

Well, something similar has to happen in your kitchen and in the amount of dishes you make. Of course, what can never be missing in your recipes are tomatoes, potatoes, legumes and bread.

It has a strong point

It may be difficult to choose just one dish that your grandmother made for you because they are all delicious. However, in a family gathering it will always be said … Do you remember that dish that Grandma Mari made? Because Grandma Carmen’s stew was the best of all?

Therefore, choose a dish that you love to cook, that you have been doing for a long time and it always suits you. The one that you do not need to look at the amount of flour, oil or salt that you add; And let everyone say that, at your table, it is a classic.

Choose a secret ingredient

It can be green onion or even a flavoring broth. Of course, you can not tell anyone what it is about.

The goal is to get more than one to tell you: “This dish is delicious, what have you put in it? It has a special flavor ”. At that moment, it will be when you will avoid the question with a: “It’s a secret ingredient.”

Don’t forget dessert


As has been said before, grandmothers always include dessert in their meals, and it is not a simple piece of fruit. It has to be a recipe that is really worth trying, that you like a lot and that you know that everyone will be captivated.

Use fresh, seasonal and local foods

Before there were no large markets where to go shopping, and they managed with the stores or establishments that were a few blocks from the house. However, the great thing about that place is that it had the freshest vegetables or freshly milked dairy.

Nowadays everything is processed, pre-cooked or frozen … None of this is present in the grandmother’s kitchen. The recipes were simpler and more nutritious to leave you satisfied and without wanting to snack between meals. So add less meat, less sugar and less toxic in your dishes. Also, don’t forget to add spices.

Remember that grandmothers’ kitchen, full of traditional and tasty recipes, should not be replaced by today’s fast food. Therefore, whenever you have the chance, enjoy homemade dishes prepared with a lot of love with your family.

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