How To Help Children Cope With Grief

How to help children cope with grief? The loss of a loved one is full of complexities and, sometimes, the little ones are the great careless in this delicate process. They are because we don’t always know how to address them, we can’t find the right words, and we doubt what to do and what not to do.

He said Carl Jung that happiness acquires its meaning only when we know sadness. But when talking about the world of children, if there is one thing we want, it is to protect them from misfortune, pain and loss.

However, death itself is part of life and that reality is something they will have to face sooner or later.  Let’s know which strategies are the most appropriate in these circumstances

Keys on how to help children cope with grief

The duel involves a child navigating a completely unknown ocean in which the emotions  and feelings can be very contradictory . As adults, as parents or educators we must be guides in this process. 

In this shared journey we must understand that each child (just like adults) suffers the pain of loss in a particular way. It is decisive, therefore, to know how to read their needs to promote a better emotional adaptation to the new reality. Let’s know some keys to help children cope with grief.

Mother thinking about how to help children cope with grief.

Being sincere through simple language

A child’s ability to understand what death is always depends on his age. Therefore, to help children cope with grief, we must adjust to their language , so that understand reality. Let’s avoid euphemisms, like the classics “is sleeping” or it has gone away ”.

Answer all your questions

It is very common for children to have multiple questions about what happened. It doesn’t matter if they are convoluted or very strange. We must answer them all with affection, sincerity and closeness. The positive communication it is key in all cases.

All emotion is valid

Children suffer in their own way. Some will seek refuge from the game and others the closeness of their loved ones. Everything is valid. The important thing is to be by your side to let them see that the reactions are acceptable, whether it’s crying, feeling angry, sad, or scared.

Education in children from 6 to 9 years old should integrate this area related to emotions , with which to learn to manage and better understand their internal universes.

Father thinking about how to help children cope with grief.

Death is part of life (and life must be lived)

To help children cope with grief It is good that they return to their routines as soon as possible . Our little ones must understand that death is another part of life and although losses hurt, the memories that we sow in our hearts remain so that that special person continues to be with us in memory.

Be happy Laughing, playing and learning is a way of honoring those who are no longer there.

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