How To Have Stronger Tendons And Ligaments

To ensure that our tendons and ligaments are healthy and strong, we must combine a suitable diet with the practice of localized exercises for each area.

Are you one of those who downplay tendons and ligaments until they hurt? If you feel identified with this perhaps you should improve your routine.

A good diet and regular practice of certain exercises are essential for your bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments to be healthy and strong. In addition, they help you avoid the appearance of diseases or injuries. For this reason, do not miss the opportunity to integrate the perfect combination for your well-being into your life.

Strengthening tendons and ligaments with food: a good option

First of all, it would be good if we differentiate both tissues, since it is very common to confuse them. For this, we will base ourselves on the notes of a work published by students of the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Madrid.

  • The tendons are in charge of connecting the muscles with the bones and allowing us to move.
  • For their part, the ligaments serve as a connection between the bones and provide stability to the joints.

    Thanks to a good diet we can strengthen these tissues so important for our day to day. In the diet, the following nutrients that we are going to comment below cannot be missing.


    What are the benefits of transgenic foods?

    All vitamins are necessary for the health of the whole organism, but in the case of ligaments and tendons, vitamins C and E are especially favorable, since they allow the production of collagen, an elastic protein that helps various structures to be more flexible. They also serve to reduce inflammation and accelerate the healing process.


    As a study indicates, ” zinc is an essential nutrient with a specific role in more than 300 enzymes, which participate in all important biochemical reactions in the human body” this means that it directly influences issues such as growth, neurological and behavioral development and in the immune system. Additionally, it can help reduce inflammation that can lead to more serious tendon and ligament injuries.

    “Many foods contain zinc. Red meat, poultry, oysters, and other shellfish, and fortified cereal are good sources of this nutrient. It is also present in beans, nuts, whole grains and dairy products, ”say experts from the National Institutes of Health.

    Many times we read that we need certain nutrients in the diet, but we do not know how to add them. Therefore, pay attention to the following recipes that will allow you to strengthen the tendons and ligaments:

    Jelly with banana and orange

    Gelatin comes in a variety of fruit flavors.

    A delicious dessert that provides vitamins that produce collagen and allow to nourish the tissues. We advise you to consume it twice a week.


    • 1 orange
    • 1 banana
    • 2 tablespoons of honey (20 g)
    • 3 tablespoons of water (30 ml)
    • 2 tablespoons of powdered gelatin (20 g)


    • First, squeeze the orange.
    • Peel the banana and mash it with the help of a fork until it forms a puree.
    • Mix the banana porridge with the honey.
    • Dissolve the gelatin with the water and heat in a water bath for a few minutes.
    • Heat the orange juice and combine with the gelatin. Stir well so that no lumps form.
    • Pour the gelatin into a mold and refrigerate for half an hour.
    • Unmold and add the banana and honey puree.
    • Consume as a dessert or snack at mid-morning.

    Oatmeal, pineapple and cinnamon smoothie

    This delicious drink not only provides vitamin C, but also silicon, bromelain and magnesium. It is ideal for the tendons and ligaments of the knee.


    • ½ pineapple
    • 3 oranges
    • ½ cup of oatmeal (30 g)
    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
    • ¼ cup of almonds (50 g)
    • 3 tablespoons of honey (75 g)
    • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon (5 g)


    • Boil the water and add the oats to cook for a few minutes. Remove from the fire and let cool.
    • Meanwhile squeeze the oranges.
    • Peel the pineapple and cut into medium slices.
    • In the blender glass, place the water with oats (it should be at least room temperature), the orange juice and the pineapple.
    • Add the honey and cinnamon.
    • Grind the almonds and add them.
    • Mix everything until you form a homogeneous shake. If you wish, you can put some ice cubes on it.
    • Drink immediately after preparing it.

    Strengthen tendons and ligaments with exercise

    It is very important that the tissues “train” to avoid injury. Many exercises that we normally do in the gym have the ability to improve tendon and ligament health.


    Woman doing squats at home.

    They are famous for their ability to tone buttocks and legs. What many people do not know is that squats also serve to strengthen the lower tendons.

    • Standing with your legs shoulder-width apart, lower your back (always straight) so that your hips are at the level of your knees.
    • Hold the posture and go back to the start.
    • You can make the exercise more difficult by doing weighted squats. To start with, use small dumbbells, then an empty barbell, and then plates.

    Finger flexion

    The tendons and ligaments of the feet are often sore. A good exercise to strengthen muscles and tissues consists of the following:

    • Sit as straight as possible and support the soles of your feet on the ground.
    • Raise your legs so that the only contact with the floor is your fingers. The insteps are aligned with the legs.
    • Hold this position for a few seconds and repeat several times throughout the day.

    Heel raise

    This exercise is very good for strengthening the calf and calf area.

    • Stand on the top of a step with your heels suspended in the air.
    • Stretch your feet up and hold the position on your toes for a few seconds.
    • You can use a support to keep your balance.

    Triceps extensions

    Another important region where tendons and ligaments are often injured is the arms. There are many exercises that strengthen the triceps without lifting too much weight (at least in the beginning).

    • For example, you can lie down on a gym bench and lift a barbell overhead.
    • Start with small discs and build up little by little.

    Beware of knee rotation

    Undoubtedly, the knees suffer a lot of damage to their ligaments and tendons. At present, what has to do with exercise physiology does not approve of it because it is an unnatural movement of that joint.

    The knee only performs the flexion and extension movement naturally, the 360 ​​° rotation has been eliminated because it can lead to knee injuries.

    The ideal way to promote tendons and ligaments is to adopt healthy lifestyle habits.

    Food and exercise will help improve your quality of life.

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