How To Eliminate Body Odor?

If you have a need for a “plan b” when your deodorant applicator dries up unexpectedly, we will give you some tips that will keep you feeling fresh and help you eliminate body odor.

Tips to end body odor

The tips that we explain below do not have to work in your case. We recommend you go to a specialist if your body odor persists and no product or remedy works for you.

Keep clean

When it comes to body odor, staying clean is your best weapon. The eccrine glands, which are found in almost every part of the body, produce the cooling of sweat which is mainly water. Think of it as a small natural air conditioning system.

The apocrine glands, found in the armpits and groin (among other areas)  produce sweat. It performs a series of functions, one of which is to work as a kind of waste disposal system. In this process microscopic particles of fat and other matter are discharged.

The sweat produced by the apocrine glands is the big problem with body odor. Bacteria feed on fats and other secretions, and their waste products produce that distinctive foul aroma. The strength of the odor that a person produces depends on the amount of sweat that their glands secrete, as well as the number of bacteria on their skin.

People with strong armpit odors carry two to three times more bacteria than other people. The best way to prevent body odor is to regularly clean sweat and bacteria thoroughly.

  • Clean the groin area and armpits with soap and water, preferably a deodorant soap.
  • At least once a day or more often if necessary.

Manage your wardrobe

Old sweat is smelly and there is nothing worse than the old smell of an old T-shirt. The same goes for a jacket with underarm spots.

  • Start over every day, taking a shower and making sure your clothes are as clean as you are.

Be careful what you eat

jalapeno pepper

Heat can make you sweat, but it’s not the only thing you need to be aware of. Spicy foods like chili peppers can make you sweat too.

Some food experts speculate that the cuisine of hot-climate countries relies heavily on spicy condiments for that very reason – people feel colder when internal temperatures skyrocket. Unless you’re trying to survive a Kalahari vacation, cut your penchant for spicy foods.

Also, consider keeping garlic and onion at bay, too. The sulfur compounds in garlic and onions can make your sweat more aromatic. This happens if they are consumed in large quantities.

Stop smoking

bad body odor

Smoking can do more than ruin your health, damage your teeth, and make you look much older than you really are. Smoking can also make you smell bad.

When you smoke, the smoke enters your lungs and works its way through your system. Tobacco smoke contains more than 7,000 chemical products and compounds. Some are destroyed inside you, while others are eventually expelled through your skin, causing bad body odor.

Good habits are essential to keep us healthy and at the same time reflect it. Taking care of your health will not only make you live with fewer complications but it will help you feel good about yourself.

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