How To Cleanse The Kidneys With Simple And Natural Remedies

Many people don’t know the real importance of keeping our kidneys clean and healthy. But the reality is that many diseases originate in the urinary system.

In addition, these organs are responsible for removing impurities from the body. Therefore, it is vital that they are always in excellent condition. Find out in this article how to keep them clean and healthy.

Symptoms that tell us that you should cleanse the kidneys

If you suffer from these symptoms it may be that you have an imbalance in your urinary system:

  • If your pressure is too high or too low.
  • If the lower and anterior areas of the abdomen hurt.
  • If your urine is dark in color.
  • If you are excessively thirsty.
  • If your back hurts above the waist.
  • If you go to the bathroom a lot at night.

It is also a warning sign if you suffer these other symptoms:

  • If you urinate less than half a liter per day.
  • If you feel a full bladder all the time.
  • If there is pain in urination.
  • If the ankles swell a lot at night.
  • If your eyes are too swollen in the morning.
  • If there are bruises without hitting you or bleeding.

In turn, the presence of gallstones or stones in the kidneys and bladder are sufficient reasons to cleanse the kidneys or renal cleanse. Here’s how.

Symptoms that indicate that it is necessary to clean the kidneys

Cleanse your kidneys in three days

It is not a magic solution that guarantees you “clean kidneys in 72 hours”. However, it can help you in this process.

First of all, it is necessary that during these three days you do not consume any coffee, alcohol, soft drinks, salt and foods with too much protein. All work by irritating the kidneys and prevent the bladder from eliminating toxins. Substitute drinks for mineral water, meats for flaxseeds or sunflower seeds and almonds.


Start the day with a breakfast that includes a glass of blueberry juice. This reduces the amounts of calcium that accumulate in the bladder.

These sediments slow kidney function. They also cause toxins not to “leave” the body, as well as urinary infections and kidney stones, which are very painful.

Blueberries for the kidneys

In the middle of the morning, drink a glass of potassium-rich juice, which acts as a cleansing tonic. It will also help you to have a lot of energy during this three-day process. You can make it yourself with a juice or smoothie of carrots, celery, parsley and spinach.


For noon, drink a glass of liquid chlorophyll. This green substance gives plants that tone and can be found in natural or dietary houses.

You can also do it by sowing grass in a pot, cut it and liquefy it. It benefits the body, improves the immune system and helps clean the blood, among other advantages.

As for meals and dinners in general, you can consume what you want, taking into account that it is advisable to leave the meat and flour for these three days. Take the opportunity to go on a diet.

Snack and dinner

Between lunch and dinner, at snack time, drink a cup of watermelon seed tea. It is a very soft drink with diuretic effects, which help activate the functioning of the kidneys and the bladder. It will help you digest food better and evacuate before the night.

For dinner, drink carrot juice  to correct your urination frequency. You can also consume blueberry juice.

Before sleeping, drink a mint or dandelion leaf tea . These detoxify the body and digest food better at night.

Peppermint tea for the kidneys

Last tips

  • Do not forget in turn to exercise or sport during these three days. You can take a daily walk of 30 minutes, to facilitate the work of the kidneys.
  • It is also recommended to visit a sauna to expel toxins through perspiration.
  • You can take a warm sitz bath at home, too. And then cool off with a warm or cold shower.
  • And lastly, stretch your body, morning and night. Elongating correctly will help you to “activate” and have more energy to face the day and in turn, to rest better.

Images courtesy of Andrew Magill, Andreas Kontokanis, Kyle MacDonald, Chris RubberDragon, and Tony Alter.

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