How To Clean Suede Shoes?

Suede is one of the most used materials for the manufacture of shoes, handbags and clothing in general. It is a material that is made with cowhide, although sometimes goat, sheep or deer skin is also used.

It is a soft fabric, very pleasant to the touch and similar to velvet. Despite the years, suede shoes never go out of style. They are considered as elegant shoes and suitable for all occasions. When new, they look spectacular, but suede is a delicate material that gets dirty and easily damaged.

So that this does not happen and we can enjoy our suede shoes for a long time, it is necessary to take some special care. Suede cannot be cleaned with just anything, as there is a risk of damaging it. Next, we will see some recommendations for cleaning suede shoes.

Tips for cleaning suede shoes

A protector before use

The first thing to do to care for suede shoes is to spray them with a spray protector before using them for the first time. Many products of this type can be found on the market. It is a protector that will help us to waterproof the shoes so that they do not get stained in case they get wet in the rain.

The protector will also help maintain the original color of the material and prevent stains and dirt from penetrating the fabric. For this product to be effective, it is essential to put it on before the first use when the shoes are new. Otherwise, instead of protecting the suede, it could fix the dirt that is already present.

A special brush for cleaning suede shoes

To clean suede shoes it is essential to have a special brush. Generally, it can be bought in the same store where the shoes are bought or in any shoe store specializing in suede. It is a soft brush that does not damage the delicate fabric of the suede.

Each manufacturer has its own instructions and these must be followed carefully. It is best to try gently brushing a small area of ​​the shoe that is not very visible to ensure that it is adequate to treat with that brush.

Person cleaning a set of leather shoes

The brush should be used on dry shoes. This will make it easier to remove dust and any type of dirt that has settled on the suede. If the shoes are not very dirty, the original appearance will be restored just by carefully brushing the entire surface, always in the same direction.

If more than dirt is about wear, it will be necessary to scrub with the brush a little more intensively. For the result to be good, it is essential that the brush is clean, especially if it is light suede. That is why after cleaning suede shoes you should always wash the brush carefully.

Tricks to clean stains from suede shoes

Man cleaning his shoes

To clean stains from suede shoes, the first thing to do if the stain is fresh is to dry it immediately with an absorbent paper. In this way, the stain will be prevented from spreading on the surface of the shoe.

When the stain is dry, the best way to clean it is with a white eraser. It should be rubbed gently until the stain disappears. Once the stain is gone, a dry towel can be used to restore a homogeneous style. It is also important to perform this step delicately.

If despite all these cleaning tricks, the stain does not disappear, we can resort to vinegar, a great ally of cleaning at home . To do this we must use a clean cloth moistened in vinegar and gently press the dirty surface of the shoe. It should not be rubbed, just press with gentle movements.

Baking soda can also be very helpful in cleaning suede shoe stains. Simply sprinkle a little baking soda on the dry stain and leave it to work for about two hours. After that time has elapsed, the product is removed by brushing the shoe gently with a special suede brush.

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