How To Avoid Stress And Discomfort On The Plane?

Those who experience stress and discomfort on the plane suffer a lot unnecessarily. Air travel is the safest of all and the chances of being in an accident are less than negligible. It is best to inform yourself and not feed negative thoughts about it.

Many people experience stress and discomfort on the plane, most of the time because the mind plays a trick on them. This happens mainly to those who are not used to flying, but there are also cases of frequent travelers who have these problems.

Stress and discomfort on the plane occurs in varying degrees. There are those who simply experience fear and do not feel calm until they are on the ground again. For others, the issue is much more complex and they come to feel the situation as if they are going through hell.

These types of cases must be taken seriously, because those affected really suffer a lot when faced with a flight. However, there are ways to overcome stress and discomfort on the plane that are fully effective, while allowing you to completely overcome the problem.

Stress and discomfort on the plane

It is normal to have a small dose of nervousness when boarding a flight, since human beings are terrestrial and, therefore, we feel much more comfortable on firm ground. It is also normal for us to feel restless during turbulence or after passing through a vacuum well.

Difficulties begin when that fear  becomes very pronounced and more severe symptoms begin to appear. Sweaty hands, uneasy feelings, tense muscles, heavy breathing, and constant sighing are all signs that we are afraid.

Stress and discomfort on the plane can also reach higher levels. This is when the most intense symptoms appear:

  • Anxiety and restlessness
  • Tachycardia
  • Feeling of suffocation
  • Dizziness
  • Sweating
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting

In those cases we no longer speak only of a fear, but of a phobia .

stress and fear of flights

Why is it produced?

Stress and discomfort on the plane originate from various causes. The most common is that it is the result of two factors: lack of information and false beliefs. The lack of information has to do with the ignorance of the way airplanes work and of the procedures and procedures that must be done to take a flight.

The set of little comprehensible stimuli generates nervousness. During the boarding and throughout the flight there are a series of warning signs and events that can alarm, without really reason for it. The order to stay in the chairs or to adjust the seat belt, as well as the fading of the lights and others, can confuse people.

However, the factor that acts most strongly is false beliefs. When there is a plane crash it gets a lot of hype in the news, so we tend to think that flying is synonymous with tragedy. Likewise, there are many movies about the same thing, and this helps to feed those unfounded fears.

It is also the case of people who previously suffer from anxiety and for whom the experience of flying is one more, within their state of constant restlessness. Likewise, there are those who have already had negative experiences during a flight and relive those fears when they get on a plane.

stress and discomfort on the plane

How to avoid it?

To avoid stress and discomfort on the plane, the first key is to prepare for the trip well in advance. If shortly before flying you are still finishing packing, or fixing the details, you are going to start the experience with an altered nerves, even before getting on the plane. So it is best to have everything ready, one or two days before flying.

Getting informed is another way to reduce nervousness. A good idea is to get a mental picture of everything that is going to happen before and during the flight. This assumes that you know and understand the routine protocols, which include reviews, verifications, security measures in the approach.

The information should also cover topics such as the degree of security of air transport. It’s easier to be struck by lightning than to die in a plane crash. Also, you are more likely to win the lottery than to be in a plane crash. And those percentages are reduced if you take a flight from a traditional airline.

Finally, it is advisable that you eat light and that you do not consume caffeine or alcohol. Bring a book or some entertainment to keep your mind busy for the duration of the flight. Likewise, try to travel accompanied and do not be afraid to express what you feel. Sometimes when we voice our fears out loud, they dissipate.

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