Home Remedies With Lavender

Lavender or lavender is a multifaceted plant with a great healing tradition. Today it is popular in natural medicine, cosmetics and even gastronomy.

Its perfume and flavor add a touch of originality, in addition to its famous health benefits. We are sure that you will love learning more about lavender.

It is proven that the lavender flower and the oil obtained from it help us in many of our ailments and problems of daily life. From a headache to insomnia problems, joint pain …

They are simple and old remedies that it never hurts to know to put into practice at home. They are inexpensive and effective. Let’s see a little more on the subject.

Remedy for muscle and joint pain


Have an infected cut or wound? Are you one of those people who take a long time to heal wounds? Lavender is a great antiseptic that can help you treat those everyday wounds.

How do we prepare it?

  • To do this, make an infusion with four branches of lavender in half a glass of water.
  • Once it has settled, drop four drops of almond oil.
  • Then you can moisten a cotton ball and apply a gentle massage to the affected area.
  • Remember to repeat it three times a day and you will see how soon, that wound ends up healing.

Relaxing remedy

The properties of lavender as an anti-stress remedy and to resolve insomnia, are perhaps one of the best known peculiarities. But is it really true?

Lavender is not going to help us get a deeper and more restful sleep. What it produces is a relaxing effect thanks to aromatherapy. Smelling its flowers offers a sense of calm by regulating heart rate and blood pressure.

How do we prepare it?

To benefit from its properties we can do two things:

  • The first is to prepare an infusion of lavender and rosemary before going to sleep . We only have to put five branches of lavender and one rosemary next to a glass of boiling water. Let it sit for five minutes and drink it little by little.
  • The other remedy is very simple. Take 30 grams of fresh lavender, cut it into small pieces and put them in a small cotton bag. Close the bag with a ribbon and leave it next to your bedside table, or even under your pillow. The smell will help you relax.

Relaxing and Refreshing Lavender Lemonade


This lemon and lavender-based drink is an ideal remedy to  obtain relaxing effects in the hottest seasons. It is very simple to perform and will allow you to obtain a sedative sensation with an anti-stress effect on those days when you arrive home more exhausted.


  • 2 large tablespoons of dried lavender (in natural stores they usually sell the one that is suitable to consume. But if you grow it in your garden and it is free of pesticides, it is also good for our kitchen) (20 g)
  • Sweetener to taste
  • 4 glasses of water (800 ml)
  • The juice of 3 lemons


  • In a pot, we drop the two tablespoons of lavender (if it is fresh, better) along with the 4 glasses of water. Let it come to a boil, then allow it to sit for half an hour.
  • Then filter the lavender through a strainer and transfer the mixture to a large pitcher.
  • Squeeze the 3 lemons and get the juice, then drop it into the jar and stir well with the sweetener of your choice.
  • Take it to the refrigerator, and, when serving, accompany it with some ice cubes. It is as refreshing as it is delicious.

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