Home Remedies For Stomach Bloating

The foods that we eat already contain enough salt, and even more so those that are not natural. We must choose not to add it to our meals and buy foods low in sodium

You feel uncomfortable, suddenly your pants are tightening much more than before or you feel like your stomach is a balloon about to burst. You walk or try to eat less, but your abdomen and stomach are still just as bloated. Why? Because they may be inflamed. Therefore,  the first thing you should do is go to the specialist. However, we offer you some home remedies to reduce stomach bloating .

If you are eating less than more or after a few bites you are already satisfied, it is not normal that later you feel very heavy, as if you had a large stone in your stomach.

The reasons for abdominal bloating can be varied. From intolerance to certain foods to stomach allergies caused by ingredients that irritate the mucous membranes or, in other cases, by problems digesting food. So much so that many of those with stomach inflammation are lactose intolerant.

In addition to paying more attention to what you eat and what the consequences are on your stomach, you can combat this feeling with home remedies and some natural tips. Let’s learn more!

abdominal spasms

How to deflate the abdomen?

Stop consuming so much salt

Sodium is bad for your health if consumed in high amounts. The recommended dose per day for an adult person is 1500 mg. However, the type of diet we eat and the lack of a healthy diet means that this value even doubles.

So a good idea is not to add extra salt to your dishes. You can also look closely at food labels and buy foods that are lower in sodium.

Add more potassium to your diet

Foods with a lot of potassium, such as bananas or spinach, allow you to eliminate excess fluids retained throughout the body, including those that remain in the abdomen.

You can make a delicious smoothie by mixing a banana and a medium papaya. Or eat a roasted potato in the skin and half a cup of cooked spinach. Besides being nutritious, they are delicious foods!

juantiagues banana

Do not consume alcohol

Alcoholic beverages are harmful to our health for different reasons. They dehydrate us, irritate us and their fermentation in the intestine can cause gas in the stomach. And, as a consequence, inflammation.

Cook the vegetables

Eating raw vegetables is more beneficial for our body than if they are cooked, because in this way all their nutritional properties are preserved. But in the event that you have a lot of swelling, you should opt for the second alternative. Uncooked food can cause inflammation because it takes longer to digest.

Foods that reduce stomach inflammation


If you eat this type of food you will not only be helping to deflate your belly, but you will also allow the elimination of free radicals. In this group of antioxidants are blueberries, apples, onions, celery and garlic. Eat four servings of the indicated fruits and 2-3 of these vegetables.


Fiber will help you fight inflammation in your stomach. To do this, do not hesitate to add fruits, vegetables, whole grains, rice, whole wheat flour and oats to your diet. Also be careful with the quantities, since in excess it causes gas.

If you suffer from constipation problems, it is better to gradually incorporate the fiber into your diet, so that the body gradually gets used to it and does not inflame you.

Integral rice

Low fat

Low-fat foods are great for reducing stomach inflammation. Because they are much healthier than those rich and high in fat. Swapping your breakfast pastries for a cup of cereal and fruit can be a great option. Similarly, instead of fries, eat carrots or celery. It prefers grilled or roasted meat over fried or battered.


Cumin, oregano and fennel are used to combat bloating caused by gas.

  • Fennel is also good as an antiseptic, so it is excellent for cases of diarrhea.
  • Cumin has sedative and diuretic properties, being recommended for fluid retention.
  • Oregano has the ability to improve digestion and, being a diuretic, it also helps to reduce fluid retention.


A good infusion of linden can combat stress thanks to its soothing properties. Other medicinal plants also fulfill this objective, reducing the appetite and the anxiety to eat. This then fills the stomach and causes heaviness. Birch leaves are also very good at eliminating inflammation, especially if it is caused by the menstrual period.

Homemade recipe for bloating

A more than effective shake for this problem is composed of 4 ingredients that allow to eliminate the liquid and gas that causes inflammation.

  • Yogurt: Although some people are dairy intolerant, it is also true that yogurt has “good” bacteria to eliminate food that ferments in the intestine.
  • Ginger:  very effective for cases of indigestion, bloating and gas. This is because ginger is carminative, and is also good for preventing cramps.
  • Banana:  rich in potassium, it helps eliminate sodium.
  • Cardamom:  a spice of Indian origin that improves digestion.

In the blender glass, place a cup or two of skimmed yogurt, two peeled and sliced ​​bananas, a teaspoon of grated ginger, and ¼ teaspoon of powdered cardamom. As additional, you can add half a cup of skim milk, two tablespoons of honey and half a cup of ice. Blend well and drink.

Stomach bloating is a very common problem in the population. One of its causes may be an inadequate diet, which is why these tips can help you prevent inflammation. By introducing new small eating habits you can notice a great improvement. 

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