Habits That Harm Our Brain Health

The brain is an organ of the body that needs to be cared for. Many times, your health is taken for granted, without stopping to think if you are carrying out routines that could harm you.

Everything we do influences the body, in one way or another. In fact, certain activities could impede its normal function and even damage its structure. To this is added, in addition, the systematic repetition of these habits for years.

Certain routines can favor or harm brain health, hence the importance of paying attention to what we do on a daily basis. If we detect that a habit is not benefiting us, we are in time to modify it and thus improve our routine.

The brain: that great unknown

The brain is an extremely complex and delicate organ, which intervenes directly and indirectly in all bodily processes: it regulates homeostatic functions, such as the heartbeat; fluid balance; blood pressure; hormonal balance and body temperature, and is responsible for movement; cognition; The learning; memory and human emotions.

It is not surprising, then, that the lifestyle we lead has a significant influence on its proper functioning and, therefore, on health in general.

Let’s see below what are the habits that can damage the brain, to start avoiding them from now on and, instead, adopt others that provide us with more benefits.


10 everyday habits that damage the brain

1. Skip breakfast

Having a good breakfast helps you have energy

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, as it significantly influences our performance, endurance and even emotional state. During the early hours of the day, the brain requires nutrients to continue “directing” physiological processes after fasting during the sleep stage.

If we do not supply you with what you need, you will use up the reserves and will have to go out of your way to keep it running smoothly. The absence of breakfast can cause decay, fatigue and a notable lack of concentration, as stated in this study carried out by the University of Alcalá (Spain). 

On the other hand, this research carried out by the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico affirms that, in those cases in which breakfast is dispensed with, it is more common to develop diseases such as obesity or anemia. 

2. Smoking

It is no secret that smoking is a very unhealthy habit. According to this report from the Spanish Center for Biomedical Research, tobacco is not only dangerous at the cardiovascular level, but it has also been proven that it could favor the appearance of certain neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s or dementia.

3. High consumption of sugars

According to this study carried out by the National University of Colombia, sugars added to food would be  closely related to pathologies such as obesity; diabetes; liver disorders; fatty liver; cardiovascular diseases and cavities, among others.

It is important to regulate its consumption, both on a personal and state level.

4. Constant exposure to polluted environments

The brain requires a constant supply of oxygen, but various toxic substances can interfere with gas exchange, transport, and the process of incorporating oxygen into cells, resulting in decreased brain efficiency.

This research carried out by the Spanish Ministry of Health affirms that there are a large number of  pathologies that could develop or worsen due to continuous contamination.

5. Get little sleep

Sleep a little

Insomnia or poor sleep conditions can be very dangerous. According to this study by the Peruvian Institute of Neurosciences, not only will we be much more tired and irritable the next day, but there could also be a link between this problem and the development of Alzheimer’s disease.


6. Overeat

Eating food that our body does not need causes the accumulation of excess substances in the form of fats. This can lead to being overweight or obese. It is best to eat a healthy diet and not overdo it (or stay hungry) during meals.

7. Alcohol


Alcohol can wreak havoc on all organs, mainly  the nervous system, liver and heart, according to this study carried out by the Carlos III Health Institute. 

8. Stress

According to this study carried out by the University of Extremadura, stress could be related to the risk of suffering cerebrovascular accidents or stroke.

In the same way, this same research has reached the conclusion that people whose salary is lower compared to their effort could also see their risk of suffering a stroke increased.

9. Lack of stimuli and mental exercises

There is nothing like activating the mind, having interesting conversations, reading a book or doing a crossword puzzle to stimulate the brain. This improves learning ability and memory, as well as the speed of reaction to stimuli.

One final tip

Taking care of the brain is as necessary as taking care of any other organ. Your condition will determine how we do as a whole, so it is very important to pay proper attention to it.

The acquisition of healthy lifestyle habits, the abandonment of harmful ones (such as tobacco and alcohol) and intellectual stimulation can do much more for us than we think.

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