Great Benefits Of Orange Peel

Orange is a delicious, refreshing and nutritious fruit. In addition, it is one of the main table fruits since it is widely consumed by the general population. In turn, the orange peel, due to its multiple properties, can be used in different ways:

  • Natural remedy to help treat different ailments.
  • As an ingredient in cooking recipes .
  • In the production of beverages.
  • As a home freshener.
  • To fight insects.

Of the nutritional composition of the orange, its low energy value  and its high water content and its richness of vitamin C, folic acid and minerals such as potassium, magnesium and calcium stand out.


orange rind

Orange peel properties

Next, we will tell you some of the benefits that orange peel has for our health.

1. Helps lower cholesterol

That’s right, the orange peel contains  hespetidin.  Is U n type of flavonoid with great properties to metabolize lipids in the blood. In addition, helping in this way to reduce fat, and thus facilitate its elimination.

You should know that, the content of Hespetidin from the orange peel is 20% higher than that present in the pulp. So do not hesitate, it is an excellent help to reduce your blood cholesterol.

2. Protects our intestinal flora

The orange peel contains pectin which is a natural fiber that protects us against possible stomach disorders . In turn, it helps us maintain proper blood sugar levels. 

In addition to this, it provides us with a series of good bacteria that will help us take care of our intestinal flora. All these properties make it easier for us to digest and help us resolve episodes of constipation.

Orange peel


3. Fight infections

Of course, the orange peel is rich in natural antioxidants such as vitamins A and C, which promote the proper functioning of our immune system and help us fight infections.

The consumption of this fruit is highly recommended, especially during the winter months and in seasonal changes, when colds and infections are more frequent.

4. Helps us lose weight

As we have said before, orange peel is rich in soluble fiber. This helps reduce the absorption of fat and cholesterol. In addition, it gives you a satiating effect, which will be of great help to lose weight.

It is recommended to accompany the diet with infusions of orange peel for its properties to promote the elimination of fats. You can have two or three cups a day.


orange rind


How to take orange peel?

At this point you will surely be wondering how you can prepare the orange peel in order to benefit from its great properties. First of all, you should know that there are many ways to use orange peel.  Here are some of them.

Orange rind jam

It is something really delicious that offers a certain originality to our desserts. However, this type of elaboration has a high sugar content, and therefore, it is not recommended. In addition, this form of use of the orange peel, makes it lose most of its natural virtues.

Orange peel infusion

The best, the easiest and the healthiest thing is to prepare a simple infusion of orange peel. In this way we will take care of our digestive system, reduce cholesterol and strengthen our immune system.

For its preparation, we use a tablespoon and a half of orange peel zest, which we will bring to a boil, in a cup of water. Finally, we let it boil for ten minutes and rest for another five.

It is advisable to take two cups a day. In winter we can add a teaspoon of honey, and in summer, it will be very refreshing if you add cubes and a little cinnamon.


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