Flaxseed: Uses, Applications And Medicinal Properties

Flaxseed is consumable in the form of oils or seeds, whole or ground. Either way we do it, its incorporation into the diet brings health benefits due to its fiber and omega 3 composition.

Flaxseed is a food rich in fiber that has become very popular in recent decades as a dietary supplement in case of constipation. Now, it is important to know that this is not the only type of benefit it can provide.

We invite you to discover in this article all about this food: its medicinal properties, its different uses and applications and other interesting facts. Clever? Go for it!

Nutritional value of flaxseed

Flaxseed is considered by many to be a grain because it has a similar vitamin and mineral scheme to these. However, most agree that it is a seed , rich in fiber and antioxidants, as well as being the best vegetable source of omega 3 fatty acids.

Flaxseed water

Soluble and insoluble fiber

Several studies indicate that flaxseed is a source of dietary fiber, both soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber is one that has the ability to help us regulate blood pressure, blood sugar levels and has even been associated with the prevention of diverticulitis and prostate cancer.

For its part, insoluble fiber is related to better digestive function. It acts as a regulator of intestinal movement and serves as food for the intestinal microbiota. Therefore, it helps to better digest food for proper nutrient absorption.

Omega 3 and linoleic acid, two great contributions of flaxseed

  • Omega 3 fatty acid is one of the greatest contributions of this food. This is essential to take care of the health of the whole organism, but especially, the brain, the heart and the skin.
  • Linoleic acid is necessary to form anti-inflammatory eicosanoids.  These play a very important role in the prevention of arthritis, eczema, asthma and some health conditions related to the female reproductive system.

    Phytochemicals, antioxidants and vitamins of group B

    Apart from omega 3 and linoleic acid, this food contains phytochemicals called lignans that have the power to fight free radicals.  On the other hand, they provide great antioxidant benefits to the body.

    At the nutritional level, among other properties, it can be noted that it contains B vitamins, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and thiamine. With just two tablespoons we provide the body with 8% of the recommended dietary fiber, and the same amount only has 74 calories.

    Medical uses

    Thanks to all its properties, flaxseed has a large number of medicinal uses.  These have been known since ancient times to treat different health problems and prevent diseases. Here we give you the best medicinal benefits.

    Lose weight

    Due to its richness in vegetable fibers, flaxseed is one of the best allies for diets for weight loss purposes. Its properties help us to have better digestion, improve metabolism and also provide us with a greater feeling of satiety.

    In addition, the consumption of flaxseed makes the muscles recover quickly. This happens because it stimulates the use of fat for energy.  As a consequence, we are able to burn fat and lose weight.

    Lower cholesterol

    The soluble fibers of flaxseed are ideal to take care of the cardiovascular system and, specifically, to reduce cholesterol in the blood. In fact, its consumption within a healthy diet favors its elimination by natural means.

    Relieve symptoms of menopause

    The flavonoids in flaxseed are believed to help treat the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause. For example, mood swings, hot flashes, and loss of libido.

    In addition, the phytochemicals it contains are ideal for balancing the hormonal load,  especially in women. For this reason, it is not recommended to consume while pregnant or breastfeeding, but it is recommended to increase fertility.

    How to consume flaxseed to take advantage of its benefits?

    Including flaxseed in your daily diet is one of the best decisions for your body.

    Flaxseed can be obtained in different presentations, such as oil, tablets, ground and the whole seed. Experts say that the best way to consume it is ground.  This is because the oil oxidizes quickly and whole flaxseed is too hard for the body.

    For all the above, it is recommended to buy it whole and grind it at home. Once this is done, it can be added to salads, meals, juices or simply taken dissolved in a glass of warm water.

    As a last tip , we reveal that flaxseed is a food that can also be used as a substitute for eggs and fats such as butter, for example. The appropriate ratio to replace the egg is one tablespoon of flaxseed for three of water for each egg. The proper ratio to substitute butter is three tablespoons of flaxseed for two tablespoons of water for each tablespoon of butter.

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