Flax Seed Water To Combat Cellulite And Improve Skin Condition

To achieve better results with flax seeds, it is advisable that we also follow a healthy and balanced diet and practice physical activity on regular basis

Cellulite is one of the aesthetic problems that most affects women around the world, especially when they are overweight.

It consists of the accumulation of fat in the deep layers of the skin, forming  nodules with a padded appearance known as orange peel.

Cellulite can appear due to genetic factors or hormonal changes, but also due to unhealthy habits, such as sedentary lifestyle, stress or poor diet.

The buttocks and thighs are the areas most prone to cellulite ; however, in overweight people it is usually noticeable in the abdomen, arms, and other visible areas.

Today there are multiple ways to reduce it to improve the condition of the skin.

Here we present a 100% natural option that acts as a supplement to achieve good results.

Flax seed water to fight cellulite

Flax seeds

In recent years, flax seeds have become very popular as a support for the diets of those who want to lose weight without suffering.

They are a natural source of fiber, minerals, vitamins and essential fatty acids that improve intestinal function without altering its bacterial flora.

It has also been discovered that they are an excellent remedy for reducing cellulite and showing off healthier skin.

Flax seeds stimulate collagen production while fighting fluid retention, one of the causes of cellulite.

Its Omega 3 fatty acids improve digestion, reduce the absorption of fats in the intestine and have an anti-inflammatory effect that helps to restore tissues for smoother and more toned skin.

They also help to lose weight, as they reduce the anxiety to eat and satiate the appetite.

In addition, they help to inhibit the action of free radicals, molecules that cause oxidative damage and premature aging.

How to prepare flax seed water?


Flaxseed water or infusion is the most popular way of ingesting them to improve health and achieve radiant skin.

In this way, all the properties of the seed are used to the maximum, so it can be consumed for different purposes.

For example, it is a satiating drink, ideal for controlling the feeling of hunger in moments of anxiety.

They also help treat various digestive problems, such as duodenal ulcers, heartburn, and gastritis.


  • 3 tablespoons of flax seed (45 g)
  • 1 liter of water


  • Bring a liter of water to boil and add the three tablespoons of flax seeds.
  • Let it sit for 8 to 12 hours. We advise you to prepare it at night so that it is ready the next day.
  • As a result, you will obtain a thick and gelatinous liquid in which the benefits of these seeds are concentrated.

Consumption mode

  • To start you should drink 150 ml of the water on an empty stomach. The remaining liquid can be divided to drink before lunch and dinner.
  • Due to its purifying effect, it is recommended to take it for 10 days in a row and then rest for another 10 days.

Its effects are not immediate and are only obtained when taken frequently with a healthy diet.

It is not suitable for people with kidney stones or liver problems.

Tips for better results

To reduce cellulite as much as possible, it is advisable to combine it with other simple tricks to achieve better results.

The main keys will be diet and exercise, essential to avoid the accumulation of fats and toxins in the tissues.

Anti-cellulite creams or topical treatments can be used, as these promote circulation and reduce orange peel skin.

The most important thing is to be consistent with healthy habits and make them a lifestyle.

Cheer up!

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