Five Healthy Fats To Reduce Cholesterol

It is important to know how to choose what type of fats we include in the diet, since, just as there are some harmful ones, others can be of great help to control the levels of cholesterol.

Healthy fats to lower cholesterol are not exactly found in fried foods, butter, fatty cheeses, and some meats. Actually, they are found in other foods that, in addition to helping to take care of the health of the body.

We refer to polyunsaturated fats, which are known as healthy fats. With them we can give the body the necessary nutrients and energy and keep cholesterol levels under control.

Knowing which are the healthy fats will allow us to substitute and reduce the consumption of saturated products, without causing major deficiencies in the diet.

1. Vegetable oils, healthy monounsaturated fats

Vegetable oils are rich in oleic acid, an excellent substitute for saturated fat. Olive oil is perhaps the most popular, being widely used in world cuisine. However, olive oil is not the only oil capable of offering these types of nutrients. There are also hazelnut, rapeseed, soy and sesame seeds.

Do not forget the healing properties of extra virgin olive oil. With its consumption we control bad cholesterol (LDL) and, in addition, we obtain important anti-inflammatory benefits, among many other advantages.

2. Alpha-linolenic acid from fatty fish

This is perhaps the most important fatty acid in the omega 3 group. We can get it from fatty fish, and also from other soy and sesame based products.

Its intake is very beneficial, because the human body is not capable of producing this nutrient on its own. It prevents cholesterol from accumulating in the arteries and takes care of cardiovascular health. Among the fatty fish richest in alpha-linolenic we find:

  • Tuna.
  • Salmon.
  • Sardine.
  • Herring.

Although today all these products are sold in canned presentations, it is best to consume them in their natural state.

3. Cod liver oil

Cod liver contains beneficial fats.

Another of the healthy fats to reduce cholesterol, improve health and strengthen muscles is cod liver oil.

Yes, it is possible to maintain a healthy diet and build muscle! With a balanced diet and exercise, mainly. However, it is worth knowing that cod liver oil can be a fantastic supplement.

The key to this food used in multiple dietary supplements is its high content of omega 3. Basically, this fat favors better protein synthesis,  which allows us to increase muscle mass.

Among the benefits of consuming supplements based on this substance we find that:

  • Raise your defenses.
  • Allows good bone development.
  • Contributes to blood clotting.
  • Promotes brain development.

For all the above, it is common to see this component in vitamins for the elderly.

4. Avocado, source of omega 6

Omega 6 is another source of healthy fats to lower cholesterol.

Omega 6 fatty acids are found in many foods of animal origin. However, one of its healthiest sources is avocado. It is one of the few fruits rich in polyunsaturated substances. In addition to providing nutrients, avocado also favors its absorption.

Likewise, another interesting fruit that contains this type of nutritional components is the olive in its natural state, in addition to its already mentioned oil.

5. Lentils


Did you imagine that lentils were part of the list of healthy fats to lower cholesterol? This is because they provide a valuable protein load without raising your triglyceride level. And it is that they only provide us 0.1 grams of saturated acids per 100 grams.

These small legumes form a viscous substance in the body that sticks to cholesterol and helps eliminate it. That is why they are considered a protector of the heart and the rest of the cardiovascular system. Red beans and green soybeans have properties quite similar to those of lentils.

Is Eating Fat Bad?

Taking certain amounts of fat is necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Labeling this macronutrient as the enemy of health is a misinterpretation of what a balanced diet should be.

In fact, 20 or 30% of the diet should be made up of fat. However, this portion must be unsaturated fats that take care of the human circulatory system.

The benefits of eating healthy fats, in moderate amounts are the following:

  • Better insulin sensitivity.
  • Regulation of metabolism.
  • Increase in muscle mass.
  • Better reproductive health.
  • Optimization of brain functions.

Thus, we must pay attention to the type of fatty acids that we choose for intake and thus we can enjoy better general health.

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