Discover The Mushroom Benefits Of “vital” Energy Or IMMORTALITY

Its scientific name is Ganoderma lucidum , although this fleshy-looking mushroom is better known as lingzhi or reishi. Chinese, Japanese and Korean folk medicines have been consuming it for more than 2000 years.

At present, it has already reached the west to seduce us with its many benefits and its wide range of medicinal properties. It is said of him that he is almost miraculous, that he is the divine mushroom or of immortality. However, if there is something we all know, it is that Chinese culture is very prone to endowing fairly common plants or roots with magical principles.

Now, when it comes to the  Ganoderma lucidum fungus , it should be said that more and more studies are appearing on it.

Although it does not cure serious diseases or contain the secret of immortality in its active principles, what it does do is strengthen our immune system.  We can find it in herbalists, in specialized stores and in parapharmacies

As a curiosity, it should be said that in recent years its consumption as coffee has become popular, it is delicious and healthy.

Today in our space we want to give you more information on the subject. We are sure that you will find it very interesting.

The mushroom of vital energy

The reishi medicinal mushroom ( Ganoderma lucidum ) is non-toxic and has multiple studies around it that support its incredible virtues every day.

Taoists, for example, say that it increases spiritual energy.

From a more western perspective, it could be said that it strengthens our defenses. In addition, it helps us prevent multiple diseases.

Let’s see below how it works and how it can benefit us.

Helps us prevent cancer

While it is true that the studies carried out on the relationship between this fungus and its effectiveness in treating cancer are inconclusive What the scientists do tell us is that it is useful to increase our immune response.

Another interesting aspect in this regard is that the fungus Ganoderma lucidum can inhibit angiogenesis, that is, reduce the formation of blood vessels that supply nutrients to the tumor.

Therefore, point out once again that this fungus “does not cure” cancer:  what it actually does is enhance our response to it, defend ourselves against its attack and prevent its incidence thanks to its immune action.

Take care of our heart

The Ganoderma lucidum mushroom has been used since ancient times as a remedy to treat stress. Hence, it is common to take it either as an infusion or in the form of coffee.

  • What it does is harmonize the flow thanks to the triterpenic acids. This is a group of natural compounds known to be beneficial in reducing high blood pressure.
  • Also, this fungus is very suitable to lower cholesterol, prevent blood clots and reduce  plaque buildup in the arterial walls.

A natural source of antioxidants

This interesting and medicinal mushroom contains a wonderful secret: it is one of the most powerful sources of antioxidants available to us.

Some people usually add a little of its tincture in a cup of green tea or white tea. Thus, a sensational remedy is achieved.

Likewise, we cannot forget other components that further intensify its ability to strengthen the immune system:

  • Contains phosphorus, silica, sulfur, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, zinc, copper, and manganese.
  • It also has alkaloids, ergosterols, fumaric acid, coumarins, lactone, mannitol, and many polysaccharides.
  • Likewise, its contribution in terpenes should also be highlighted , steroids, phenols, nucleotides and its derivatives and glycoproteins.

It is a liver protector

The Ganoderma lucidum is one of the best natural resources to take care of our liver.

  • Thanks to its antioxidant power, it is capable of optimizing its functions, enhancing its purifying activity and also regenerating it.
  • It is very suitable, for example, for people with fatty liver or hepatitis.

Antiviral and antibacterial

You will also like to know that this fungus hides a great antibacterial power. This is ideal to protect against Candida albicans , and  E. coli .

  • Likewise, its antiviral benefits are also known. It is ideal to protect us against the flu or vesicular stomatitis.

Take care of our urinary system

Ganoderma lucidum

When we suffer from a urine infection, so common in women, or when men suffer from inflammation of the prostate, the fungus  Ganoderma lucidum can be very beneficial.

It should be noted, once again, that it is not a medicine, that it does not cure. What it does is mediate recovery thanks to its multiple antioxidants. 

In conclusion

It is important to always remember that these types of plants, roots and mushrooms, so well known for their medicinal properties, should not be taken as unique and exclusive treatments for certain diseases.

Our doctors will always recommend the most appropriate treatment.

The reishi mushroom is a natural supplement that we can take daily in the form of tea, tinctures, powder, capsules, or tablets.

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