Different People Make Life More Fun

Different people break schemes, dress up with challenges and paint life with the colors that make us so happy and infect us with happiness.

As Coco Chanel said at the time: “to be irreplaceable, one must always seek to be different.” However, sometimes this is difficult to achieve since those who stand out or dare to have their own voice, can be singled out.

Despite this, life will be more exciting if we dare to take the step of breaking with that need to think alike and have the same physique or style of dress.

In fact, it’s not worth it; since it is not healthy nor will we achieve happiness with it. Thus, being unique is a virtue that each of us must achieve. 

When being different makes us afraid

When being different makes us afraid

All of us have needs, interests, dreams and desires that we dare not express. This is because we fear that others will be surprised or, even worse, reject us.

In addition, the education we have received and, sometimes, the environments in which we move do not make it easy for us to express ourselves. This is demonstrated by the following study published in 2012 by Eureka Magazine ; in which a group of homosexual adult men indicated that fear was an obstacle that made them hide their orientation.

In this way, sometimes it is not easy to get out of what is “different” or what is “not established” by society. A certain way of dressing, values, political ideas, sexual orientation, different friendships or hobbies can be some aspects that we do not dare to show for fear of being rejected.

However, whoever does not dare to show the world their needs and their identity ends up living the lives of others; and this prevents us from flourishing what we really feel.

The harsh “life script” of different people

Reality is as it is and, like it or not, most of us try to follow the “script of life” to the letter. As social groups and individuals, we always strive to be equal to the rest. In this way, we ensure that we are accepted and integrated.

Acceptance offers us balance and, in turn, those emotional rewards from others. Our parents, for example, will be happy if we accept the job they recommend or if we study what they had planned. On the other hand, our friends will also be happy if we accompany them to that party to which perhaps we did not want to go.

If we realize it, we spend most of our time trying to fit into the “script of life.” Thus postponing many desires, tastes and concerns just because they are different from what is expected of us. Now, where do all these behaviors lead us?

  • We distance ourselves from our own identity.
  • We stop reinforcing the self-concept to build a false “lifeline”, with which we are dragged adrift from others to survive.

Therefore, if we limit ourselves to doing what others expect of us, we will be leading a life that is not real. It will be a farce that, sooner or later, will lead us to a personal crisis.

Different people are not a “character”, they are free

How many of us wear a mask? Sometimes we wear it to hide sadness or to appear strong in front of children and friends.

  • There are necessary masks, but many of those invisible shields actually hide a high frustration. Frustration at not being what we really want, unhappiness at not being able to do what we want.
  • So why don’t we dare to be ourselves? In this way, far from seeing it as a danger, we can assume that we are facing a new opportunity no matter how old we are or what surrounds us each day.
  • Being different is a personal investment that will allow us to enjoy greater energy, vitality, creativity and, of course, greater happiness.

Stay with someone who accepts our differences

To achieve this and take the step, it is important to surround ourselves with people who allow us, above all, to be ourselves. So let’s avoid those who judge us, do not accept us and raise an eyebrow every time we make an original and funny comment.

As the following article published in 2017 by the Academia & Derecho Magazine explains , the free development of the personality is a constitutional right. Therefore, let’s get away from those who put up walls for us every day when we are willing to open all the doors.

Each of us has a fixed passage with our name and address to a horizon full of opportunities.

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