Different Eating Habits: My Partner And I Like Different Dishes

Different food habits can become an obstacle in romantic relationships. In particular, the complaints come from political families, who fail to understand some diversity.

The reality is that it has always been thought that a good dish favors unions and fosters a space for dialogue. The dilemma occurs when both have different tastes. How to find balance in the kitchen?

What to do if we have different eating habits?

You have to accept that food also belongs to the sense of taste and there is nothing wrong with inequality. In this way, you avoid thinking of the kitchen as an area for dispute.

1. Respect everyone

There may be different reasons why these different eating habits exist. It can be due to health care, religious beliefs, cultural or simply a preference. Regardless of the reason, the partner’s choice must be respected without wanting to modify their diet.

In cases where the other is invaded, for example, preparing baked meat when he is a vegetarian, the problem begins. The idea is that they can live together in harmony.

2. Share recipes

decorate plates

In couples with different eating habits,  it is advisable to share the role of cooks. This way they avoid the temptation to always choose dishes that are preferred by one, but not eaten by the other.

There are times when some people don’t have the time to take care of their meals. In these cases, you can share your recipes with the couple so everyone is happy at the table.

You must seek and find the positive side of these differences to learn something new. It is a new way to get out of the routine and show interest in other people’s tastes. In the same way, you have to present a variety every day that makes diners happy and make friends with other types of food.

3. Good communication

Making the shopping list together is essential to avoid problems due to different eating habits. If they have the possibility to go shopping in company at the store, much better. Otherwise,  keep everything you need in writing.

It is normal for a person to completely forget a product if they have never used it. However, perhaps it is a staple for your partner’s daily diet. If both make the list of orders together, nothing will be missing later in the fridge.

In addition, it is important that, when visiting your parents or other relatives, they inform you beforehand of your partner’s eating habits. Advance communication allows for special preparation and avoids discomfort for the whole family.

4. Find the balance

Going out to dinner as a couple or with friends is easier than expected. Find restaurants with different menus and choose those that serve meals for both of you. Everyone chooses their favorite dish and everyone is happy with the departure.

It is also possible to make a common meal for both with some variations. You can remove ingredients, modify some recipes and create your own culinary style. Creativity brings fun and perhaps new foods to their lives.

How to cook when we have different food habits?

Depending on the differences in the couple’s eating habits, different measures can be taken when cooking.

1. Different dishes every time

When they do not find any common ground, they know from the beginning that there will be two different menus at each lunch. They already met in this way and accepted each other as such. So, it is convenient that they change their roles from time to time or share it.

2. The same base, different result

It is about taking the same idea as a basis and making some modifications according to the needs of each one. If you’re making a veggie stir fry for a vegetarian, you can add chunks of chicken for your partner.

It is no longer about cooking twice, but about adding an ingredient to the base of the recipe. In this way, many meals are solved and dirty pots are avoided.


Having a partner with different eating habits is totally natural and you have to adapt. The important thing is that everyone maintains their eating style without being questioned for it.

Respect for the preferences of others and their own allows neither to feel that they have to give up anything. Over time, no one feels comfortable giving up their entire lifestyle for a partner.

However, sharing these moments with someone with different eating habits is also great learning. Perhaps, you will find some tips to eat healthier without so much effort.

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