Castor Oil And Aloe Vera Treatment To Lighten Stretch Marks

Both aloe vera and castor oil are very effective ingredients in reducing stretch marks and improving their appearance.

It is normal to want to lighten stretch marks to see ourselves better since, although it is something natural, it is not well seen on an aesthetic level. They are often embarrassing to display and this can affect self-esteem.

Although it is often believed that they are more common in women, the truth is that men can also have stretch marks. Of course, it is necessary to clarify that not all people have the same type of stretch marks.

To some people they appear red and others white. On the other hand, some may have superficial or rather shallow stretch marks, while others may have them as well-known grooves.

Regardless of the type of stretch marks we have, there are some natural elements that can help us clarify, hide them and feel much better with our body.

It is important to mention that these adjuvants can also help prevent the appearance of new stretch marks. We will tell you more about it below.

Castor oil to lighten stretch marks

Castor oil to lighten stretch marks

To clarify stretch marks we can use castor oil. In fact, this product is used for similar purposes such as: lightening skin blemishes, as well as to reduce wrinkles and fight acne.

The way to use this treatment is very simple. Of course, the important thing is that castor oil is as natural as possible in order to achieve the desired benefits.

  • What we are going to do is put a little oil on our hands and we are going to heat it before applying it on the area where we have stretch marks.
  • We will perform a gentle massage for about 5 or 10 minutes. Then we will wrap the area with a thin cloth (preferably cotton).
  • To enhance the effects, we can apply some heat on top, for example, with a hot water bottle.
  • We must repeat this action, at least 3 times a week for a month to be able to lighten the stretch marks.

Aloe vera to lighten stretch marks

Aloe vera gel is another natural product that is frequently used to make various products to care for the skin and even to lighten stretch marks. It can be used in many ways, but some of the best options are the following:

  • We cut a stalk from the plant.
  • We wash the aloe glass with plenty of water to remove the yellow layer (sage), and we only use the transparent gel.
  • We apply the gel on the stretch marks and let it act for at least 15 minutes. However, we let you apply it at night and rinse it off the next morning.
  • Unlike castor oil, the area does not need to be wrapped. However, we are free to do so once the aloe vera gel has been absorbed.
  • In case the skin does not absorb the product well, we can gently massage the area several times until it is successful.

    It should be noted that, if we do not have the possibility of obtaining the gel from an aloe plant, we should try to find one that is specially designed for skin care.

    Another recommendation to obtain an effective natural treatment is: use the gel from a plant older than 1 year. Otherwise, the plant will not be sufficiently developed.

    Tips on using these treatments

    For our goal of lightening stretch marks to be successful, we must start right away with the aforementioned treatments. The sooner we start, the better, since the results will take a while to manifest.

    Therefore, it is important that we persevere with the applications. It will be of little use to us to apply castor oil or aloe vera today, if until next week or two weeks later we do not remember to use it again. Like any cream or treatment, without constancy there will be no results.

    In case we suffer from any skin disease (dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.), it is best to consult with the dermatologist before applying any type of home treatment. This will help us prevent allergic reactions and other health problems.

    Have you ever used castor oil or aloe vera for something? How do you deal with stretch marks? We encourage you to consult with your doctor about the alternatives that you can have and, as a coadjuvant, to try the options that we have already mentioned here, if the professional so authorizes it.

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