Carrot, Orange And Parsley Juice To Lose Weight

Although it is rich in vitamins, under no circumstances should we replace meals with this juice, since it is a complement, not a main element in the diet.

Carrot, orange and parsley juice is a refreshing drink that, within a balanced diet, can be a good complement. It is prepared with fresh ingredients and no sugar is added, but the sweetness offered by its ingredients is used.

Natural juices are good allies to lose weight in a healthy way and without having to starve. These are characterized by their low calorie intake, while providing vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients that promote health.

To understand how beneficial orange, carrot and parsley juice is to lose weight, it is worth knowing the properties of these ingredients.

Does this natural juice work to lose weight?

Both the carrot and the orange provide the body with water, as well as a certain amount of fiber, antioxidants and various nutrients. Therefore, they can promote intestinal transit and, consequently, the elimination of fluids and wastes from the body.

This does not mean that the mere fact of drinking some juice will make us lose weight. It has been shown that to lose weight, the most decisive thing is to be on a diet and exercise regimen that adapt to our characteristics and circumstances, such as weight, age, height and work rate.

In addition to this, the important thing is to take this data and be within a caloric deficit that allows us to meet daily goals without having to submit to extreme diets that can even affect us psychologically.

Remember that by eliminating retained fluids in the body, there is a loss of volume, which is why it is said that the consumption of homemade natural drinks supports weight loss.

According to the experts of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), carrots and oranges would be recommended foods for making juices, given that:

  • Carrot is a source of vitamin A and carotenoids. And they explain that for each edible portion of 100 grams, it would provide about 88.7 grams of water.
  • Orange is a source of vitamin C, folates, organic acids, flavonoids, and carotenoids. For every 100 grams of edible portion, it would provide about 88.6 grams of water, approximately.

Now, let’s dive into the benefits of these two foods. 

Benefits of carrots for weight loss

Carrots with beta carotene.

The carrot has become one of the most important in weight loss diets, since it is a source of natural fiber, which contributes to good digestion by eliminating waste that the body does not need for its proper functioning. In addition, this nutrient makes it a satiating vegetable that keeps the person satisfied and alleviates the anxiety to eat.

In a study funded by the Danish Agricultural and Veterinary Research Council , it is explained that it could help in the manufacture of anticancer drugs, although its effects should first be analyzed more thoroughly.

The researchers’ next goal is to determine how much falcarinol is needed to prevent cancer development and whether certain carrot species are better than others for this goal.

The raw carrot would help activate digestive enzymes that improve the ability to defecate. Likewise, it is a good diuretic since it helps stimulate kidney function to combat excess fluids and facilitate their elimination through the urine.

Contains water, vitamins and minerals, low in fat and calories. Being a thermogenic food, it improves the body’s ability to burn calories and lose weight quickly. As if that were not enough, it is a food with a low glycemic index and high content of beta-carotene, vitamin A and potassium.

Benefits of orange for weight loss

Oranges cut in half.

This delicious fruit has stood out over the years for being one of the main sources of vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system and prevent different diseases. In addition, this fruit is known to contain important antioxidants that contribute to cell regeneration, cardiovascular health, and good skin condition.

Emphasizing its benefits to lose weight in a healthy way, it is important to say that orange supports the diet to lose weight thanks to its ability to improve digestion and contribute to the proper functioning of the liver.

This fruit contains acids, antioxidants and fibers that help to have a better functioning of the metabolism, since they increase caloric expenditure and the body’s ability to lose weight.

Carrot and orange juice recipe

The carrot and orange juice is prepared with fresh ingredients. The carrot must be raw, not cooked, as its nutritional contribution varies. 


  • 2 oranges
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml).
  • A bunch of parsley.



  • Cut the parsley leaves.
  • Chop the carrots.
  • Cut the oranges in half.
  • Squeeze them into a juicer.

Preparing carrot, orange and parsley juice to lose weight

  • Add the chopped carrot and parsley to the blender.
  • Add the glass of water and the orange juice.
  • Blend for a few minutes so that all the ingredients are well mixed.
  • Serve and drink freshly made and with some ice cubes, if you prefer.

Final thoughts

This juice works as a support for the diet to lose weight, but it is not a miracle element that can shed pounds overnight. Incorporating it in the daily diet would help increase metabolism and contribute to the burning of calories. 

Although it is said that the ideal is to drink it on an empty stomach so that the body assimilates it better and thus accelerates the weight loss process, there is no scientific evidence to support this idea. Therefore, it is best to consume it together with breakfast or a snack, and at the same time, maintain good lifestyle habits.

Finally, it must be remembered that for no reason should main meals be replaced by juices, smoothies or shakes. In any case, these drinks should be considered as a preferable alternative to industrial drinks, and a supplement to the diet.

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