Caregiver Syndrome: How To Care For The Caregiver

Caregiver syndrome is a very common reality that affects all those people who have the important responsibility of making life easier for others and taking care of their every need. However, this task can cause not only physical, but also emotional overload that should never be overlooked.

Progress is very slow, as all attention is focused on the dependent person. So it is very likely that the health of the caregiver will take a back seat. But where is the middle ground? How to deal with this type of situation? In this article we will answer all these questions.

Caregiver syndrome, a burden that almost always falls on women

The statistical data offer us a very clear reality: the responsibility of caring for the dependent person generally falls on the shoulders of the woman. This is indicated by a study published in the Clinical Journal of Family Medicine.

Taking care of a loved one is a task that is carried out with love and dedication, since the affective and emotional bond is there. Nobody can leave aside that family member or that helpless person who needs help to face the day to day.

Caring for a dependent person

However, when the role of caregiver is acquired, a series of aspects occur that must be taken into account. Let’s see them:

  • Almost 60% of people who are forced to care for a dependent family member at any given time, have to put their working life aside.
  • Being a caregiver means having to be aware of a person 24 hours a day. This means not having time for yourself (meeting friends, playing sports, etc.).
  • It is a task that is carried out with affection and dedication, hence, at times, it is common for them to feel anxiety and think that the dependent person needs them urgently or that they are not being cared for as they deserve when they allow themselves a “little break” or they are replaced for a few days by another family member in this task.
  • Most people who take on the role of caregiver are unprepared. This means that they will suffer physical overload by not knowing how to move or transfer the dependent family member or that they make mistakes regarding the care or administration of drugs, food, hygiene, etc.
  • The caregivers have an average age that goes between 50 and 60 years, with which, they are people who already drag their own ailments and physical limitations.
  • The care of the dependent person is combined with the care of other family members, such as grandchildren and children. This causes that all the time they have is occupied.
  • Caregivers end up losing their personal leisure moments and their hobbies. His life becomes a circle from which he cannot get out and, day by day, that physical and emotional pressure causes serious havoc.

Warning symptoms of “caregiver syndrome”

It is common for the caregiver himself not to become aware of the emotional and physical weakness that he is suffering. However, it manifests itself with certain symptoms.


It is very common to see how the dependent enjoys adequate well-being and good health within their limitations, while the caregiver has lost weight, suffers from back problems, chronic fatigue and stress attacks. In addition to this, a publication from the Mayo Clinic points out that the main warning signs are the following:

  • Physical and mental exhaustion.
  • Sleeping problems.
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Feeling of sadness.
  • Very marked weight changes.
  • Dependence on painkillers and analgesics.
  • Social isolation.
  • Cognitive difficulties, such as loss of memory, attention, etc.

Tips to prevent it

It is no secret to anyone that managing very high stress levels and not having adequate rest can be detrimental to health. Therefore, below, we detail a series of recommendations to prevent caregiver syndrome.

Set schedules

If you are a caregiver, it is important that you have time to do other things and can find a suitable space to carry out activities that help you get out of the routine. Therefore, it is best to establish a schedule in which you have at least one hour free.

Delegate responsibilities

This is vital. The care of a dependent person should not fall exclusively on a single individual, therefore, it is necessary to establish agreements with other family members and, in turn, with social services. This does not mean that you have to ignore the dependent person. On the contrary, having more help will make the time of care optimal.

Learn about the ailment

The caregiver should learn about the ailment suffered by the other person. Lean on professionals, look for information and, ultimately, find advice that will allow you to develop your role well. Many people need to play games to stimulate their memory.

Others require different tools. Having this knowledge will help you improve the quality of life of those who are in your care. And, in the same way, it will make you feel calmer with your daily work.

Dependent person puzzle

Maintain social life

Remember to set aside a few hours for yourself when setting schedules and make time for your friends. This will bring you happiness and help you clear up. In addition, the bonds that you create with other people are very important for your well-being and it is very useful to take care of your emotions.


It doesn’t matter if you want to join the gym, run in nature, or do yoga. The important thing is that you do some kind of physical activity every day. You can even exercise at home, although we recommend that you go out. This will allow you to change your surroundings and help you feel much better.

Ask for professional help

If you are saturated, do not hesitate to seek professional help. A psychologist will help you better manage your emotions and will give you some tools to make you feel better. Taking time out for these visits is also part of your well-being.

Putting these tips into practice will undoubtedly help you establish spaces to take care of your health and do this wonderful work much better. Your well-being is also a priority. In this way, you can give your best every day.

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