Can You Lose Your Hair During The Keto Diet?

The question of whether hair loss can occur during the keto diet has arisen among those who do it and those who are eager to put it into practice. This form of diet that restricts carbohydrates has gained popularity, thanks to its many fields of application.

It is an effective dietary guideline when it comes to losing weight, controlling diabetes and even preventing the onset of other metabolic diseases. However, not everyone has good adherence to it.

Also, there is a question as to whether restricting carbohydrates could stimulate alopecia, which is the technical name for hair loss. Below we will make it clear if it is true that you can lose hair during the keto diet , so that you can assess the pros and cons of it and decide if it is a suitable plan for you.

The general reasons for hair loss

Hair loss is a characteristic phenomenon of the elderly, although in some cases it can begin after adolescence is over. This process is associated with a certain genetic load.

According to research published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology , it  is possible to experience hair loss due to an increase in testosterone production after a certain age. This is determined by the cellular DNA.

Although genes influence alopecia, it is possible to slow down its progression by varying environmental factors, such as diet. Thus, and as an example, we have the areata form of hair loss, which could be delayed if the supply of vitamin D is adequate. This is stated by some studies published in the current scientific literature.

Man's hair falls out

Hormone levels can determine hair loss

One aspect that is capable of inducing alopecia is abruptly hormonal changes. The use of testosterone as a drug to increase anabolism and increase energy could be related to hair loss.

This hormone is capable of influencing hair growth, so its administration outside the natural pathways modifies secondary sexual characteristics. And one of these is the distribution of the hair, with the classic bald shape of men, in the upper part of the skull and on the sides of the forehead.

This is why bodybuilders using anabolic drugs often experience widespread loss of hair and body hair. However, the use of these substances does not affect everyone in the same way. There is still a genetic component behind that can modify this response.

Does diet influence alopecia?

As we have commented, alopecia is determined by a strong genetic component. Despite everything, it is suspected that some changes in eating patterns influence this process for better or for worse. However, there are no conclusive human studies in this regard.

It has been studied in animals, precisely in mice, whether intestinal dysbiosis and deprivation of B vitamins change the progression of the disorder. Research published in the journal  Cell Reports  concluded that deprivation of biotin intake would cause changes in the animals’ skin and stimulate hair loss. However, human trials would be necessary to confirm this association.

Can you lose hair from the keto diet ?

There is no scientific article or updated evidence that is able to link the ketogenic diet, or a restrictive eating plan, with an increase in hair loss. In this way, we can say that hair does not fall during the keto diet.

There are some case reports, which are notifications made by doctors or groups of professionals, about a particular issue that happened and of which there was no record. Regarding the ketogenic diet, it has been reported that a person subjected to this eating plan experienced a reduction in their capillary density, although an individual fact is not enough to establish a general relationship.

Hair loss is linked to emotional processes related to stress, hormonal changes that lead to an increase in testosterone production, or even genetic factors. However, caloric or carbohydrate restriction does not appear to have a significant effect on this process at this time.

Male alopecia

You can’t lose your hair on the keto diet

You may be able to lose your hair during the keto diet , but not because of it. Hair loss is more strongly related to genetic factors than environmental factors.

Perhaps, diet influences this process in some way, although at the moment it has not been discovered exactly how it does it. Some experts recommend vitamin supplementation to prevent this process, although there is also no solid evidence on which supplements to use.

Stress and hormonal changes are capable of determining hair loss. The use of anabolic drugs can stimulate this loss, in addition to modifying other aspects related to appearance and sexuality. However, calorie or sugar restriction does not appear to influence the process.

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