Can The Healing Of A Bone Fracture Be Accelerated?

Although sometimes the itchiness in the area can be unbearable, do not put objects to scratch it and soothe it, as they could cause it to become infected. Also do not put talc or oils

When an accident leads to a fracture, it is important to rest for a certain time in order to recover. With this, the bone is allowed to heal itself and other problems do not appear later. However, there are those who wonder if the healing of a bone fracture can be accelerated.

In this article, we will give some tips to take care of a bone fracture for a favorable and fast recovery:

Tips for healing a fracture

Woman wearing a cast on her arm

When you arrive at the hospital or clinic after having broken a bone, the doctor can choose between 3 treatments :

  • Reduction: This procedure is done when two bones have slipped out of the joint. The movement made by the specialist is abrupt and unexpected, and quite painful. But it serves to reposition themselves. This will likely “save” you from wearing a cast for several weeks.
  • Cast: in the event that the previous technique does not work because the bone is broken or the broken area is not close to a joint, then the doctor decides to place a cast. This device is not only applied to the affected area, but also to the surroundings to prevent the person from mobilizing the broken bone. In this way, the bone will heal with immobility after at least 3 weeks (depending on the severity of the case or where the fracture is).
  • Surgical intervention: This operation is reserved for the most serious cases and is performed to repair the fracture. After it, a plaster is also usually placed so that the healing is complete.

In the event that the doctor has chosen to put you in a cast (the most frequent option), it is necessary that you take into account the following tips for a favorable and fast recovery:

Lead a quiet life

You don’t have to rest completely and stay in bed (or lying on the couch) the entire time you are in the cast, but you do need to stop doing certain activities that could put you at risk. Thus, the question is to keep a certain repose, but without exaggerating.

Don’t force the zone

Many people are not aware that they have a cast and still want to walk or even play sports. This is not advisable. It is also not good for you to make movements with the broken limb. Do not rush in the healing process of a fracture.

Put on a pillow to sleep

When you go to sleep or if you are resting, put a cushion under the cast. This way, the area will not fall asleep and, in addition, you can stop carrying the weight.

Protects the plaster from water

When bathing you will have to place a plastic bag around the area. Try not to go outside if it rains, or if you have to, cover yourself well. Remember that the plaster in contact with liquids softens and can fall.

In case it gets wet and deteriorates, you should go immediately to the doctor to get a new one.

Don’t insert objects

The fact of being covered for so many days causes that the pores cannot breathe and begin to perspire. This is very itchy. A common mistake is to put a stick or any object to relieve the itch.

You will have to endure the situation because otherwise you could cause an infection or injury. Do not use powders, creams or oils.

Do not modify the plaster

It is true that one of the traditions is that your friends and family write and draw about him to wish you a speedy recovery. That is acceptable and will comfort you. What is not allowed is removing the cotton lining or parts of the plaster. If any part bothers you, go to the specialist to improve it.

Attempting to make modifications on your own will not only damage the cast, but you could injure yourself and lengthen the healing process.

Be patient

Wearing a cast isn’t the most fun in the world, but you need to stay calm. Rest or try not to do activities that may slow down your recovery.

Maintain healthy habits

Benefits of quitting alcohol.

Do not smoke or drink alcohol, as both weaken bone mass and reduce the body’s ability to recover. In addition, you must make sure you eat a good diet so that the body receives everything it needs to heal properly.

Foods to speed up the healing of a fracture

There is no specific diet for the bone to join in a matter of hours. What you can do is accelerate your recovery and avoid that, when the doctor performs a test to verify the status of the injury, he indicates more days of plaster or rest.

Some good foods for your bone health are:

Milk and yogurt

Beneficial foods for hyperthyroidism

There is some controversy regarding the goodness (or not) of dairy for bones. What we do know is that milk has a lot of calcium, protein and vitamin D. Try to drink a cup a day to recover before a fracture.

According to popular wisdom, yogurt helps form a so-called “callus” around the fracture. Likewise, the amino acids present in this dairy increase calcium absorption and bone mass. Be careful, the yogurt must be fat-free and, if possible, natural or Greek.


Sardines, salmon and tuna are good options to follow a balanced diet, aimed at accelerating the healing of a fracture and improving the health of the whole organism. All these blue fish have, among other nutrients, a good amount of vitamin D, which improves calcium absorption.


According to popular wisdom, freshly squeezed fresh orange juice in a balanced diet can be beneficial for patients seeking to accelerate the healing of a fracture. In addition, as you will surely know, it has vitamin C, an antioxidant responsible for correctly synthesizing collagen in the body.


Broccoli is a food that contains vitamins C and K. The latter is vital so that calcium is fixed in the bones and is not expelled from the body through the urine. Additionally, it binds with other nutrients to build bone mass and can speed up the healing process.

In conclusion, you can help speed up recovery from a fracture through good lifestyle habits and following your doctor’s instructions.

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