Black Mask To Remove Blackheads And Impurities

When it comes to showing off beautiful, radiant and healthy skin, we try to find different methods that help us to clean it thoroughly from time to time, such as the black mask of natural origin.

Do you know how it is prepared and when it is more convenient to apply it? Don’t worry, then we will tell you everything so you can make the most of it at home.

However, you must first take into account something important: no mask can replace the treatments prescribed by the dermatologist. In any case, they are a complement to a good care routine.

Cleansing the skin

The accumulation of oil and dead cells on the surface of the skin causes a blockage in the pores, which later becomes small and unsightly blackheads.

Blackheads are imperfections that tend to form easily in the T-zone of the face. However, they are also common on the cheeks, around the hair, and other areas rich in sebaceous glands.

Although they can be caused by a lack of cleaning and cosmetic care, their main cause can be hormonal imbalances. Especially those related to androgens.

Fortunately, regardless of its cause, there are several effective products and treatments. Applied regularly, they help to remove them to give the skin a healthy appearance.

Black mask for blackheads and impurities

Black mask

The black mask to remove blackheads can be prepared at home with natural ingredients. It would help  absorb excess fat and facilitate the elimination of impurities that, although we do not always notice them, affect the health and beauty of the skin.

The black mask to clean blackheads is made from the mixture of unflavored gelatin, milk and activated carbon. These ingredients form a sticky paste.

After being applied to the skin, it adheres to the residues of the pores to facilitate its extraction.

  • It has astringent and exfoliating properties that help regulate oil production. In addition, they leave the skin smooth and firm.
  • Contains essential amino acids and antioxidant compounds.  These, when assimilated into the skin, stimulate cell regeneration to avoid premature wrinkles.
  • Its main ingredient, activated charcoal,  has emollient properties.

Together, the 3 ingredients in this mask would help to thoroughly cleanse the face, remove blackheads, pimples and other common imperfections. At the same time it would regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Read: 6 fruit masks to relax your face

How to prepare this black mask for the skin?

Black mask


  • 1 tablespoon of unflavored gelatin powder (10 g).
  • 3 tablespoons of skim milk (30 g).
  • 1 capsule of activated charcoal.

Note : Activated charcoal can be purchased in herbalists, pharmacies or cosmetic stores.


  • Put the unflavored gelatin in a microwave safe container.
  • Then mix it with the tablespoons of milk.
  • Stir with a wooden or silicone spoon and make sure that everything is well integrated, without lumps.
  • Then, take the preparation to the microwave oven and heat for 15 to 20 seconds.
  • After this time, remove it and add the content of an activated charcoal capsule.
  • Then continue stirring the ingredients and let them rest for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Finally, you will notice that a thick, black paste forms that you will then spread in the desired areas.


Black mask

  • First, you should clean the skin with a wet washcloth or mild soap.
  • After making sure to remove dirt and makeup residue, spread the mask over the areas you want to treat (forehead, nose, cheeks, etc.).
  • Use a brush or brush to facilitate the application of the product and, with this, try to form a thin layer.
  • Let it work for 20 to 30 minutes, until it dries completely.
  • After this time, take the mask by one of its ends and remove it in a single pull to eliminate the blackheads.
  • However, be careful in this last step. If you apply too much force you can hurt the skin.
  • Finally, after removing the product, rinse with warm water and hydrate the skin.
  • Repeat the treatment maximum 2 times a week, as too much can cause dryness.

Does your skin produce excess oil? Do you have blackheads and pimples? If so, go ahead and prepare this mask at home and see for yourself its effects against blemishes.

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