Benefits Of Eating Eggs Regularly And How To Prepare Them

Despite its bad reputation, eggs are a nutritious food that would help us strengthen bones and improve memory. Therefore, it would be advisable to include it in the usual diet.

The egg is a food with a high nutritional value, rich in proteins, Omega3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals  that make it essential for the diet. There are many myths around eating eggs regularly and this has caused many people to refrain from ingesting it.

However, over the years, different studies have been carried out and it has been determined that the egg is a nutritious and ideal food to include in the diet in all kinds of preparations. Let’s dismantle the myth, keep reading!

What are its properties?

The egg is a food that has a great nutritional value, according to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation. Among its main properties we find that:

  • It is rich in protein: it has all the essential amino acids that our body needs
  • It would help prevent eye problems  due to its lutein and kaxanthin contents
  • They are rich in vitamins of group B (B1, B3, B12, folic acid and biotin), A, E and D
  • They are a source of choline, an essential amino acid for the nervous system
  • It has minerals such as selenium, zinc, phosphorus or iron

Benefits of eating eggs regularly

Due to its properties, the egg is considered beneficial for health, always if it is consumed in a moderate and responsible way. It is especially recommended for athletes, pregnant women and seniors. Let’s look at some of its best benefits.

1. It would increase energy

Due to its healthy proteins and fats, eating eggs regularly would help maintain the body with the energy levels necessary for daily activities.

2. It would help reduce weight

Although there are not too many studies in this regard, it is believed that, being a food rich in protein, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, it would help to maintain the feeling of fullness for longer and, in turn, reduce the anxiety of Eat excessively. Therefore, it is recommended to include eggs more frequently at breakfast.

3. Cholesterol myth

Eggs have been accused for many years of increasing bad cholesterol (LDL). Fortunately, the different studies that have been carried out today have shown that the egg does not directly affect the body. The Hypercholesterolemia Foundation clarifies:

4. It would protect the heart

The choline in the egg would help reduce the levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood, a toxic amino acid that would damage the blood vessels. The vitamins, minerals and omega 3 fatty acids would help protect the heart, reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

5. It would strengthen the bones


The vitamin D and calcium in eggs would strengthen the bones and, thanks to this, prevent health problems such as osteoporosis.

6. They would improve memory

The choline contained in eggs is an essential nutrient that would stimulate brain development and function, according to a study by Arizona State University . It would also be related to the improvement of memory and it would help us to be alert.

7. They would protect eyesight

Eggs contain two antioxidants called leutin and zeaxanthin, which are linked to protecting eyesight from UV damage.

How to prepare the eggs?

The egg is a very versatile food that we can prepare in multiple ways, both as an ingredient and as a side dish. The most common ways to prepare them are:

  • Cooked. Put it in water and simmer until it boils. Once it boils, leave it for a couple more minutes, remove it from the heat, remove the shell and consume it.
  • Fried. It is poured into a saucepan, preferably with olive oil and a little salt.
  • Scrambled. We put it in a pan as if it were fried, but we stir it with a spoon and if we want we add onion, tomato, garlic, sausage, meat or whatever we want.
  • Tortilla. We beat the egg very well before putting it in the pan, we fry it with a little olive oil and that’s it.

Fried egg

Other ways to consume eggs … shakes!

The egg yolk is usually more nutritious if we consume it raw. Obviously nobody likes the idea of ​​consuming raw yolk, that is why through some recipes we can take advantage of it.

Fruit shake

You will need to:

  • 1 egg
  • 100 ml coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 banana
  • 6 strawberries

Egg and chocolate shake

You will need to:

  • 1 tablespoon of chocolate essence
  • 1/3 cup of water
  • 1 beaten egg

If you are vegan or vegan, we leave you an article so that you do not give up the “egg” and make your own recipes. Do you dare to try it?

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