Arnica Properties To Treat Pain Naturally

Did you know that the tincture extracted from arnica is anti-inflammatory, decongestant and astringent? Find out in this article how it can be used for pain and trauma.

It is likely that when you feel some pain, swelling and bruising in the body you will start looking for a way to solve them. In general, we look for chemical alternatives that are usually expensive and that do not offer very good results when it comes to treating these types of problems.

For this you should know that nature offers very beneficial and healing plants, such as arnica. This flower will be of great help to treat pain effectively, safely and with amazing results.

Next we are going to talk about the properties that arnica has to treat these types of problems; This plant is one of the best known for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory benefits . These virtues are very helpful for the treatment of wounds, bruises and muscle tension, among others.

Properties and uses of arnica

The properties of arnica are based on its anti-inflammatory , decongestant and astringent power. It is consumed or applied to treat arthritis problems, bumps and healing of burns. However, the most recommended is to use it only externally, because when ingested it can cause poisoning due to its components.

These are some of the uses that arnica has to treat external pain:

  • Bumps or bruises : It significantly reduces pain and prevents the appearance of bruises.
  • Tears or strains and muscle aches : In this case, it helps to relieve pain and prevent inflammation.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis : It calms pain, reduces inflammation and is a good complement to alleviate the symptoms caused by this disease.
  • Frostbites or blisters : Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial values ​​will prevent infection and relieve pain sensation.
  • Bruises in the eyes:  An arnica cream or its use in compresses helps reduce bruising in the eyes caused by a blow.
  • Post-surgery: Reduces inflammation and pain after surgery.

How should you use arnica to treat pain?

Pain that we can treat with arnica

In general,  the benefits of arnica are obtained after extracting a tincture that is obtained from it ; This tincture is the same as that used in the preparation of creams and ointments. These are easily found on the market.

Extracting the tincture is very simple and you can do it at home to relieve pain and wounds. It is important to remember that it is only for external use and that you should not use it inside wounds because it can cause irritation.


  • To start extracting the arnica tincture you will have to crush the arnica and for every 5 parts of it, you must add 1 of 70-degree alcohol. Once you do, you will have to macerate for 5 days and then when filtering you will have the arnica tincture as a result.
  • To use arnica in different types of wounds, it is recommended to dilute the tincture in warm water and make compresses with it.
  • Once the arnica treatment is finished, the tincture should be stored at room temperature. Very cold or very hot temperatures can damage it and this will make it less effective.
  • Do the compresses again the next day. Being constant with the treatment will give good results, healing the pain faster until it is completely relieved.

This same tincture is used in the ointments offered in natural stores. In general, these ointments are used to massage and relieve pain in inflamed wounds, muscle pain, bruises, among others. In the case of ointments, the application can be as often as necessary. In fact, the skin absorbs it at a suitable rate and this will give you the feeling of relief.

Arnica ointment for pain

Warnings of the use of arnica

The use of arnica is very beneficial to relieve pain. However, on some occasions it can cause side effects in the person.

  • Stop using arnica if you suffer from irritation or eczema on the skin where it has been applied. This can happen with prolonged use.
  • Do not use arnica again until the irritation has completely healed.
  • Start by applying arnica to small areas of the skin to check that you are not allergic to this plant.
  • Consult your doctor before consuming it if you have illnesses or take any medication.

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