Are You Very Sensitive? Know Why

If you tend to cry frequently, if you worry about what happens to those you love the most, or if you prefer calmer environments, you may have a very heightened sensitivity. But there is nothing wrong with being very sensitive, it is one of the many ways of seeing the world.

Sensitivity is a personality trait and about one in five people experience it in a very considerate way. There are many books that talk about the subject, and even how to overcome it (if you wish).

Next we will tell you what are the distinctive features of sensitive people so that you take them into account.

Be aware that being a minority in the population is not synonymous with weakness or something bad. If there were no sensitive people in the world, everything would be more chaotic! Pay close attention to see if you are in this group.

Your feelings are usually intense

Woman crying for verbal abuse

Not only when you fall in love, but also when you are depressed, disappointed, or upset. Very sensitive people process what they feel in a deeper way, much more than the rest.

Therefore, you love as if there were no one else in the world, you become fully involved in each situation and you are probably more intuitive than those around you. That allows you to get to the bottom of any situation and find what you are looking for.

You tend to cry very easily and this will surely embarrass you. Easy crying may seem like a sign of weakness, but you don’t have to feel this way. It is good to express feelings and bring out what bothers us.

Your reactions are more sentimental

The crying is on the surface and appears almost every day. Not always for the same reasons. Perhaps today it is due to a love movie and tomorrow to a video of a puppy playing with a pussycat. You are to react more to any situation.

For example, if your best friend has a problem, you will probably show concern and empathy to help him in whatever way is within your power. This reaction also occurs when it comes to negative things they can say about you. You can get to take things “personally” and suffer more than the rest.

They often ask you why you are so sensitive

That’s the million dollar query and you listen to it quite a bit. This is because in society crying, some displays of affection or certain characteristics that leave us in evidence or make us look weak are not well regarded. Sensitivity (even more hypersensitivity) can sometimes be viewed as negative.

People scoff if they see a sensitive man. It is also likely that family members and close associates do not understand your personality and often ask why it is that way.

You prefer to exercise alone

People who are introverted are not into team activities, especially when it comes to sports. In this type of discipline, although there are more people, the successes and errors of each one are observed. The same applies at work, when choosing freestanding cubicles or individual jobs.

If sensitivity is your thing, you probably choose sports like jogging, hiking, or biking. You may also prefer to go to the gym with a friend or partner so you don’t have to engage in conversation with other people. These are just generic assumptions though!

When you are very sensitive, it is difficult for you to make decisions

Woman thinking

Hypersensitive people can be more aware of all the details and subtleties. This can be good or bad. Although in many cases taking time to decide there is nothing negative (for example, what to eat in the restaurant or what to wear) in others it can affect daily life.

Decision-making delay may be related to many of the possible consequences being weighed. This can be good for avoiding urges or regretting later.

You feel very disappointed when you are wrong

In relation to the aforementioned, if you are very sensitive, perhaps the feeling you experience when you make a decision that is not entirely correct is very deep and it is difficult for you to forget it.

When you discover that you have made a mistake, it is likely that you will not forgive yourself easily and that the topic will hang around your head for a long time. The emotional reaction to failure is very high.

You are very sensitive to loud sounds

The blow of the window by the wind, thunder or the horn of a car makes you jump out of your seat. Chaos and noise make you sick and you often feel dizzy, fatigued, or have a headache.

Any unforeseen sound scares you. Also, you don’t like violent movies or news at all, as well as horror movies.

So says Dr. Elaine Aron, researcher on Highly Sensitive People (PAS). According to the doctor, if you are easily overwhelmed by bright lights, strong smells or nearby sirens, you may be part of this group of Highly Sensitive People. It is a personality trait that affects between 15 and 20 percent of the population.

You can’t stand criticism

This is not because you are boastful or narcissistic, but because  your reaction to criticism is more intense than that of others. You can use some techniques to avoid it, such as turning a deaf ear to what the rest says.

All these aspects will put you on the track of whether you are a very sensitive person, much more than the others. But remember that it is one more feature of your personality, that even if you feel different, it also has its positive aspect. Being very sensitive is a gift that, after all, you have to learn to live with.

Note: if you consider that you are a sensitive person and that you need help to manage some aspects of your life, we recommend that you consult a psychologist. The professional will help you gain well-being. 

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