Are Sweet Potato And Sweet Potato The Same?

Can you easily distinguish between sweet potato and sweet potato? They are the same? Or do we just get confused when it comes to calling them by one name or another?

Below we put light on this frequently asked question and discover what food we are talking about, its properties and health benefits. We present you some ideas to cook it and prepare numerous recipes.

What are sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes?

The answer to the initial question is that yes, we are talking about the same food. To be more exact, these are actually two varieties of the same plant: I pomea batata . Sweet potato and sweet potato are two names that are used interchangeably, many times depending on the region where one is.  

Furthermore, these two are not the only terms used to refer to them. Sweet potato, sweet potato, moniato, sweet potato, Malaga potato… So, it is not surprising that there is confusion about whether sweet potato and sweet potato are the same. This yes, do not confuse them with potatoes or yams.  

However, there are some clear differences between the two. The color of the pulp is the most striking, as some have orange, yellow and even purple tones. In contrast, the variety that is often called sweet potato is whiter.  

The taste and aroma also change. The orange varieties are usually sweeter and meatier and reminiscent of pumpkin, especially when cooked for a long time. In contrast, those that are paler in color and violets have a firmer flesh and an aroma similar to that of walnuts.

Sweet potato and sweet potatoes.

Analysis of the nutritional composition

Of the main nutrients that they provide us, the following should be highlighted:

  • Carbohydrates, especially in the form of starch. That is why it is an energetic food.
  • Dietary fiber.
  • Just some fat and protein.
  • As for minerals, they provide potassium and manganese.
  • They are also a source of vitamins, among which we highlight vitamin C and pro vitamin A (in those orange and yellow varieties).
  • Antioxidants

Some of the carbohydrates found in sweet potatoes are in the form of resistant starch. This is also found in potatoes or rice. Its peculiarity is that it cannot be digested by our enzymes and reaches the colon intact.

Once there, it serves as food for the intestinal bacteria and exerts positive functions for the intestinal flora. If you leave the cooked sweet potato for a few hours in the fridge and eat it reheated, it increases its percentage of resistant starch.

What properties do these edible roots have?

Sweet potatoes are a nutritious food that can be part of a healthy diet. Thanks to the components that we have seen, they have beneficial health properties and are suitable in certain situations:

  • Because it is an energy food, it is useful for children, athletes and pregnant women. You can substitute potatoes, pasta or rice in this function.
  • Sweet potatoes have a protective effect on eyesight and prevent the appearance of eye problems, such as loss of night vision or macular degeneration.  
  • These edible roots contribute to a better function of the immune system, as they provide key nutrients such as vitamin C, pro vitamin A and carotenes. This results in a better response   against pathogens and a lower risk of infections in older people.  
  • It has a prebiotic effect, thanks to the resistant starch and the fiber. There is the hypothesis that it can be preventive of colon cancer, diabetes and obesity. But it is a recent field of research and data is lacking to draw further conclusions.
  • Due to the presence of anthocyanidins, they exert an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and protective effect in cardiovascular disease.   For this, the more intense the color, the better. With what this property stands out in the purple and orange varieties.

    How can they be cooked and introduced into the diet?

    On many occasions, the consumption of sweet potato or sweet potato can be occasional and be relegated by the greater prominence of potatoes. Knowing some ways to cook it is useful to use it more in the kitchen and also make it a regular food:

    • Sweet potato is a good option to introduce carbohydrates to young children. Their sweet taste makes them an appetizing and healthy meal for them. In addition, its texture is soft and makes chewing and swallowing much easier.
    • Like French fries or chips, they are cut into very thin sticks or slices and baked on a tray with a little olive oil and salt. You get a different, tasty and healthy fries. They can be given a special touch with aromatic herbs or spices to taste.
    • They accompany well any meat or vegetable stew, providing a sweet flavor and a very honeyed texture.  
    • It is possible to cook it whole and shred or mash the meat to obtain a puree. This is a garnish to many main ingredients and is combined with queso fresco or cream for a creamier touch.  
    Fried sweet potato and cream.

    Sweet potato and sweet potato are the same food

    These are just two of the many common names these roots of the same plant have. Although they present some differences in color, flavor and texture, in general they have the same nutritional composition and are cooked in a similar way.

    It is a healthy food that can be introduced into the daily diet and is recommended for all people. It is digestive, energetic and a good source of fiber. In addition, it provides vitamins and other nutrients that give it beneficial health properties: it is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and improves vision.

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