Apple Pudding And Cookies

Apple pudding and cookies is one of the easiest dessert recipes out there for all those who are starting in the world of cooking.

It is also very valid if you do not have  time or want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen but you want a homemade dessert for your guests. In addition, the ingredients are very cheap and easy to always have at home.

Apple pudding and cookies in 20 minutes

Even the kids can make apple pudding and cookies. Also, with 15 minutes of microwave it will be ready.


  • 2 large apples
  • 4 small-medium eggs
  • 300 grams of sugar (1 ¼ cups)
  • 2 glasses of whole or semi-skimmed milk or milk flavored with cinnamon and lemon
  • A handful of raisins and flour (optional)
  • 15 Maria type cookies
  • A teaspoon of ground cinnamon (5 g) (optional)
  • A splash of brandy (optional)
  • Liquid candy

With this amount a large pudding comes out. As in all recipes, if you want to make it smaller, you only have to use half of each ingredient.


  1. When you have the apples peeled and cut into pieces, put them in the blender glass along with the rest of the ingredients, except the raisins, which you will incorporate at the end, and beat.
  2. Line a silicone mold with liquid caramel. You can do it yourself or buy it already made.
  3. Add the mixture and put it in the microwave for 15 minutes on maximum power.
  4. This time is approximate, because it depends on your microwave, so it is best to see how it goes from time to time. You can stick a knitting needle into it to see if it’s done or not.
  5. Unmold it when it’s cold.

Baked apple and cookie pudding


  • 1 package of Maria type cookies
  • 6-8 apples
  • 4-5 tablespoons of sugar (100 – 125 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon (5 g) (optional)
  • A splash of brandy (optional)
  • A handful of raisins and flour (optional)
  • 125 grams of quality butter
  • 3 glasses of whole or semi-skimmed milk or milk flavored with cinnamon and lemon
  • Liquid candy


    • 1. Preheat the oven to 190 ºC.
    • 2. When you have the apples peeled and cut into pieces, put them in the blender glass along with the rest of the ingredients ( except the raisins, which you will add after having beaten ).
    • 3. Line a silicone mold with liquid caramel. You can do it yourself or buy it already made.
    • 4. Put the mold on a tray with water and let it soak in a water bath for 45 to 60 minutes.

    Tips and ideas for making a perfect pudding

    1. Do not unmold it until it is cold because otherwise you run the risk of it breaking.
    2. Always use silicone molds. They are great to unmold and to use for cooking in a bain-marie, since it does not get water as in the removable mold.
    3. If you choose to use milk that is marketed with cinnamon and lemon, keep in mind that you will need less sugar.
    4. To add raisins, soak them in rum or cognac until they look puffed and add them when the mixture is already in the mold.
    5. If you are going to make the liquid caramel : for every 100 grams of sugar, 3 tablespoons of water and a few drops of lemon. Put it to heat and, when it begins to take color, remove it from the heat. If you leave it too long it will take on a bitter taste.
    6. If you want, you can substitute cookies for muffins. For every half a liter of milk add 3 muffins.
    7. Another option is to substitute sliced ​​bread for cookies. In this case, for every half a liter of milk, add between 6 and 8 slices of bread without the crust.
    8. Pudding is always much better prepared from one day to the next. When you have it ready, put it in the fridge. The next day it will be delicious.
    9. If you’re opting to bake it, cover the pudding with aluminum foil for the last 10 minutes  so it doesn’t burn on top.

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