Apple: Properties And Recommendations

Apples provide us with a large part of the recommended daily amount of vitamins and minerals, help us to strengthen the immune system and protect us against degenerative diseases.

The apple is one of the most complete fruits that we should have in our diet. It can present different colors (green, red or yellow), and depending on these, very varied flavors.

It is one of the most refreshing fruits that we can find and, in addition, a single apple provides us with a large amount of the nutrients we need on a daily basis.

If you want to discover more about this magnificent fruit and its properties, pay close attention to what we are going to tell you!

Apple composition and properties

Green apples on wood

There are several types and each of them has its own composition. Even so, broadly speaking, we can establish that the composition per 100 grams of apple that we eat is the following:

Calories 46
Carbohydrates (g) 11.7
Potassium (mg) 99
Fiber (g) 1.7
Magnesium (mg) 5
Vitamin C (mg) 3
Provitamin A (mcg) 4
Vitamin E (mg) 0.5

We must bear in mind that calories and carbohydrates provide us with a large amount of energy with which we can endure the daily activities of our day to day. Therefore, it is advisable to have an apple at breakfast or in the middle of the morning.

It should also be taken into account that it is considered a food with a low amount of protein or fat. Therefore, it will be necessary to make up for this deficiency with the presence of other foods in the diet with higher nutritional density.


It is composed of 80% water, which will offer us a very refreshing sensation, and also, it will satisfy us and we will avoid eating between meals.

It should be said that potassium, present in this fruit, is very beneficial for health. The lack of this mineral can cause us from irritability and fatigue, to heart and kidney disorders, according to this research.

Also, the vitamins in the apple strengthen the immune system  and, in addition, multiple studies affirm that it is cardioprotective and helps prevent some malignant tumors.

Likewise, it is necessary to emphasize the effect of the fiber of the food. Pectins have been shown to be capable of improving the health of the microbiota, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the body. This reduces intestinal pathologies and those that have an inflammatory nature.

Woman about to bite into apple

Recommended amount of intake of this fruit

We could say that there is no maximum recommended amount for the intake of apples, but it must be taken into account that no food should be abused. In the same way, if we suffer from any type of problem (such as diabetes), we must consult with the doctor.

In the same way, people who suffer from problems with the absorption of minerals should be careful not to abuse this fruit.

Red apples in wicker basket

What is the best time to consume apple?

Despite the fact that it is a beneficial product in general, there are certain times throughout the day when the consumption of the vegetable is more positive. In this sense, it is recommended to take it after meals. This mitigates the effects of fructose in the body, while providing an amount of fiber that helps stimulate satiety.

Of course, it is not as advisable to consume apple juice or smoothie. In this case, the fiber in the food is wasted, as it is discarded or mechanically broken. For this reason, the sugars of the vegetable are absorbed more quickly, which can have a negative impact on the metabolic function of the organism.

Eat other plant-based foods

Although the apple has health benefits, it should be noted that one of the pillars of a proper diet is variety. In this sense, the regular consumption of other types of fruits and vegetables is recommended, in order to guarantee a complete and regular supply of nutrients.

Strawberries, for example, have large amounts of vitamin C inside, which will help strengthen the immune system. This element complements the fiber function well, since it reduces the risk of developing infectious diseases. In any case, the consumption of fruits must always be regular, it is optimal that they appear daily.

Include apple in your diet on a regular basis

Anyone who encounters an eating problem should consult with a nutritionist. In addition, in this way you could find out about a healthy diet tailored to your needs.

However, and as a general rule, apple consumption is considered beneficial in almost any situation. As long as you eat the whole fruit, you will ensure a supply of fiber capable of increasing the growth of bacteria in the body. From here the state of health improves.

Anyway, keep in mind that for the body to function optimally it is necessary to promote healthy lifestyle habits. Regular physical exercise and good rest are considered essential.

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