Apple Benefits And 9 Ways To Consume It

The apple is a most versatile fruit that we can include in both sweet and savory recipes in order to enjoy all its benefits

Many nutritionists recommend consuming an apple a day to always be healthy. This is because this fruit contains a large number of nutrients that benefit health in multiple ways.

In English, there is a very old proverb that says:  An apple a day, keeps the doctor away . Its translation would be the following: an apple a day will keep the doctor at bay.

Next, we will tell you about the benefits of consuming this fruit on a regular basis so that you are encouraged to include it in your recipes more often.

Apple benefits

  • Reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Helps to have healthier skin.
  • Promotes and regulates intestinal transit.
  • It has a high alkalizing power.
  • Reduces uric acid levels.
  • Keeps the mouth, gums and teeth clean and healthy.
  • It fights the effect of free radicals thanks to its antioxidant content.
  • It contains a flavonoid, quercetin, which may have anticancer properties.
  • Improves liver and gallbladder function and promotes the elimination of toxins.
  • Reduces high blood pressure, as well as blood sugar levels.
  • It improves brain functions and helps us to have more memory and concentration. It also prevents neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s.

How do we consume it?

1. Raw and peeled

apple colon

The apple is healthy at any time and at any time. It is a refreshing and light snack that helps satisfy the appetite and even allows us to keep our mouth and teeth clean wherever we are.

If the fruit is organic, it is best to consume it with its peel, which contains many nutrients and a large amount of fiber. On the other hand, if it is not, it will be more convenient to wash it well before eating it.

2. In juice, with carrot

To get the benefits of this fruit, one of the easiest ways to consume it is in the form of juice, smoothie or smoothie.

If you are interested in showing off healthy and beautiful hair, skin and nails, we recommend that you combine it with carrot. You will get a sweet and refreshing juice that is excellent to drink at any time of the day.

3. Apple and green vegetable smoothie

Apple and Green Vegetable Smoothie

Green smoothies are much more than a fad. They are, in reality, a combination of several foods that we should consume every day but turned into a delicious drink for easy consumption.

  • We process the apple together with green leafy vegetables (spinach, watercress, arugula, beet and radish leaves, celery, etc.).
  • If we want it to be sweeter, we can add stevia, honey or a ripe banana.
  • The result is so delicious that it will surprise us and we will not be able to do without these nutritious shakes.

4. Compote with walnuts and raisins

There are different ways to cook the fruit. One of the simplest consists of cooking it in a saucepan with very little water until it softens and the sweetness is enhanced.

If we add raisins to the water, they will inflate and complete the recipe. The nuts will also give it a crunchy touch and provide a good portion of protein and fiber.

5. Baked


Another very practical way to consume the apple is baked, seasoned with cinnamon, ginger and honey. The result is a dessert that does not need sugar, since the natural sugars of the fruit are concentrated.

If we want to present a dessert to guests, we can accompany the roasted fruit with cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The result is spectacular.

6. Grated in salad

If we want to enhance the astringent and anti-inflammatory properties of the apple, we can grate it and leave it for a few minutes to oxidize.

  • We can combine it, for example, with a salad, to get an original and different recipe.
  • We can also add grated carrots and cabbage and we will obtain a very digestive salad.

7. Gluten-free salmorejo

Gluten-free salmorejo

Salmorejo is usually thickened with bread. However, if we want an alternative without this ingredient, we can substitute apple for it.

The salmorejo will be equally creamy and consistent, as well as having a sweet and very nutritious touch.

8. Meat and fish garnish

Roasted or stewed apple is also an excellent garnish for our meat or fish stews and roasts. In addition to combining its flavor very well, the fruit will also facilitate the digestion of the entire menu.

9. Sweet omelette

Sweet omelette (2)

Have you ever tried the apple omelette? Instead of vegetables or potatoes, we will make the omelette with roasted or cooked apple.

The result will be an omelette with a sweet touch that will give us a great dose of vitality.


The fact that it is recommended to consume an apple on a regular basis to maintain good health does not mean that the consumption of other foods should be neglected. It must be remembered that it is essential to maintain balance and enjoy everything, in its proper measure.

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