Agar Agar Algae: Properties, Benefits And Uses

One of the most used algae worldwide is agar agar. These have been used for years to add texture to recipes due to their gelatinizing properties. We are going to tell you what are the benefits of these sea vegetables and how they can be included in the recipe book to get the most out of them.

Sea vegetables have to their credit multiple antioxidants beneficial to human health. These are able to help delay aging processes, counteracting oxidative stress at the cellular level. In addition, they can also prevent the appearance of chronic and complex pathologies.

Properties of algae agar agar

As we have mentioned, the main property of agar agar seaweed is its ability to act as a gelatinizer or gelling agent, which allows it to provide texture to broths, liquids and sauces. To this end, it has been used in the culinary field for decades. At first it was an ingredient of haute cuisine, although today it has spread to many homes.

From a nutritional point of view, it stands out for its iodine content, an essential nutrient to ensure correct thyroid function, as stated in a study published in Biological Trace Element Research . Ensuring a regular intake of this mineral reduces the risk of developing problems related to the synthesis of thyroid hormones.

In addition, agar agar seaweed contains a representative amount of fiber. This substance is capable of preventing the appearance of intestinal pathologies, such as constipation. It has also been shown that it is capable of stimulating the selective growth of the intestinal microbiota, improving its functions.

Finally, it is worth noting the presence of other micronutrients important for health in agar agar algae, such as calcium, iron, sodium and zinc. There is scientific evidence that the latter is essential for the metabolism of testosterone in men.

Agar agar seaweed plate.

Benefits of agar agar

There are a number of health benefits that can be generated from the consumption of agar agar, thanks to its nutritional properties. The first of these is the ability of algae to improve intestinal function, thus avoiding the problems of diarrhea and constipation.

In parallel, the dietary requirements of iron can be completed with this food, which generates a lower risk of developing pathologies such as anemia. This course with chronic tiredness and fatigue, which determines the lifestyle and the performance of daily activities.

We should not forget either that the regular intake of agar agar seaweed is beneficial in women due to its calcium content. This mineral is important in order to maintain good bone health, helping to avoid osteoporosis after menopause. However, it is important to also ensure a regular supply of vitamin D to stimulate the metabolism of the mineral.

Uses of agar agar seaweed

There are two ways to use agar agar seaweed depending on the form of presentation that we choose.

To prepare salads

If we choose strips of dehydrated seaweed, it is necessary to leave them submerged in water for at least 10 minutes to hydrate. From here they can be added to the preparations as if it were any other vegetable. It is possible to combine them with other algae, with lettuce, with various vegetables and even with tubers or rice.

Make gelatin or use it as a thickener

Due to its gelatinizing properties, agar agar can be used to thicken any sauce. For this, it is necessary to boil the sheets of seaweed with the rest of the ingredients that make up the sauce or broth.

Once the boiling point is reached it is important to stir well for 10 minutes until the sheets are dissolved. From here the fire is turned off and it is allowed to cool so that it reaches the necessary consistency.

Algae as gelatinizers.

Use agar agar in your culinary preparations

There are several benefits of consuming agar agar seaweed. In addition, these sea vegetables improve the organoleptic characteristics of the dishes, providing texture. For this reason, we encourage you to try using them in home gastronomy. Remember that the intake of vegetables is recommended as a fundamental part of a healthy diet.

Regular consumption of algae, along with fruits and vegetables, is associated with a lower risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Also with a lower risk of death from all causes. Therefore, it is essential that these products appear frequently in the diet, in whatever form.

There are many algae available on the market; increasingly. You can experiment with them until you find the one you like best. Start by trying agar agar, as they are easy to use. Then you will explore more options and diversify your dishes.

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