A Fuller Life: 10 Tips From Over 60s

As they reach adulthood, many people realize that their dreams and ideas about what constitutes a fuller life were very different from reality and were highly dependent on their decisions.

In old age, more reflection is made  and decisions about life are analyzed that perhaps would have allowed us to enjoy it more fully at younger ages. For this reason, it is very common for grandparents to give us advice and share their experience to help us make more appropriate decisions.

Life goes by without pause and, little by little, we realize that everything is very ephemeral and that everything changes according to our decisions.

But … What to do to enjoy a fuller life? Giving a specific answer is complex and almost impossible. However, some people over the age of 60 offer us their advice for living life to the fullest.

1. Have a job that covers expenses

A more fulfilling life: having a job that covers expenses

Thousands of times we have been told that the best work is that which is loved and enjoyed all the time. However, we must also think in a practical way towards the income that it reports us.

While it is very satisfying to work with passion and pleasure, make sure you  choose a job that can cover your expenses.

2. Travel instead of acquiring material goods

traveling girl

The clock is ticking. In the blink of an eye, many years will have passed that we will not be able to recover. Instead of buying material goods that are not even essential, you have to dare to travel, to see the world.

3. Don’t take anything too seriously

In life there will always be moments when it will seem that there is no way out or solutions. However, we must not take everything so seriously: at some point everything happens and we will end up laughing at the problems.

4. Spend more time with your children to have a fuller life

Spend more time with the children

Work, housework and many other factors prevent parents from spending too much time with their children when they are in the beautiful stage of childhood.

This time does not last long, as they grow up,  the opportunity to spend more time with them will have passed. If you are a parent, enjoy them.

5. Have healthy lifestyle habits

Follow a healthy lifestyle for a fuller life

No one knows if he will live a short or long life. It is not for this reason that health should be neglected in youth.

Although most people ignore it, bad habits at a young age have serious consequences that worsen the quality of life in old age.

It is important to eat healthy and exercise  to maintain a fuller and healthier life. No matter how long we live, it will be a life of higher quality.

6. Fight for dreams to have a fuller life

Doing an energy cleanse can add well-being.

We only have one life! Every day is an opportunity to fight for dreams and achieve those goals that give meaning to existence.

7. Do not cling to the material

Telling the truth with tact is necessary.

Aspiring to have a lot of material things is a waste of time. What really counts are the experiences, the people and the same time.

8. Make our own decisions

Good advice from a friend or loved one can help you make the right decision. However, it should not be taken as a commandment and it should not be determinative either.

You always have to be aware of what you are doing and decide according to what you really want.

9. Avoid stress to have a fuller life

Woman doing yoga at home.

Friends are those who always come to a call regardless of the time, place or type of situation. Other people are just acquaintances.

Why listen to older people to have a fuller life?

It is good to consider the experience of older people to understand a little better the meaning of our existence. They have accumulated a series of experiences and knowledge that make them see life differently and realize what really matters.

Therefore, it may be advisable to follow their advice so that, when we reach old age, we do not lament the same issues as our grandparents. Although it is sometimes complex to put it into practice, there will always be a way to do it.

These tips are based on Bobby Popovic’s survey of people 60 and older.

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