Rosemary: Discover Its Incredible Benefits And Uses

Rosemary is a plant that has innumerable health benefits. Take note, as we review them in the following article.

Symbol of frankness and good faith, rosemary has played an important role in Mediterranean cultures. Since ancient times it was recommended as a stimulant and blood purifier. In this article we will discover the incredible properties of this plant.

Let’s talk about rosemary

Rosemary is an aromatic woody shrub, belonging to the genus Rosmarinus . It grows in different types of soil, particularly in the Mediterranean area. Contains phenolic acids, flavonoids, and triterpenic acids and alcohols. Because of this, it is not only useful as a culinary element, but also in the practice of natural medicine.

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Next we will tell you about

The incredible benefits of rosemary

Bouquet and rosemary leaves.

Both the leaves and the flowers of rosemary are used for the preparation of home remedies. From the first, an essential oil rich in active principles is obtained, as well as a very aromatic alcohol. [/ Caption]

1.-Relieves joint pain

The anti-inflammatory properties of rosemary alcohol have proven effective in reducing inflammation and pain in people with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. You only need to massage your joints with this preparation and you will see the results.

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2.-Prevention and care of respiratory problems

Woman coughing.

Rosemary leaves are very useful for treating respiratory problems. The alcohols and acids contained in the plant have a bronchodilator action, which favors the control of coughs associated with common colds and even more serious diseases, such as pneumonia. The smoke from burning rosemary leaves is said to relieve asthma.

Also,  rosmarinic acid, one of the components of rosemary,  helps reduce allergy symptoms. The tea from this plant is an effective expectorant, which, in turn, alleviates digestion problems.

“Healing is a matter of time, but sometimes it is also a matter of opportunity”


3.-Fight against degenerative diseases

Caffeic, carnosic, and rosmarinic acids are powerful antioxidants. The consumption of rosemary can protect us from cell damage associated with degenerative diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s. In fact, a report published in the Journal of Food Science indicated that adding rosemary extract to minced meat reduces the formation of carcinogens during cooking.

So add fresh rosemary to ground meat or salads, and enjoy its antioxidant properties every day!

4.-Improves the health of the skin and hair

Oxidative processes are one of the main causes of premature aging of the skin,  causing the appearance of wrinkles, blemishes and discoloration. For this reason, foods rich in antioxidants improve our skin, hair and nails. You should know that rosemary essential oil has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Among its many applications are: wound healing, hair beautification and acne reduction.

An infusion of rosemary and nettle leaves is an excellent herbal rinse  for hair, removes dandruff and accelerates growth. You should only apply it after each wash!

You may be interested in:  Preparation of essential oils to fight acne

And now what are you waiting to exploit the many uses of rosemary? We are sure that your health will appreciate it.

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