11 Benefits Of Unflavored Gelatin That You Will Like To Know

Gelatin is a nutritious food that can contribute to the prevention and treatment of some diseases. However, by itself it is not curative or medicinal. Do you want to know more about it?

Unflavored gelatin is a colorless, translucent and tasteless product that is obtained from collagen derived from the connective tissue of animals. In general, it is an ingredient that is used to thicken jellies, sauces, gummies, cakes, among other food products.

However, beyond this, it is a complex protein that has been shown to provide some health benefits. While it is not a super powerful or healing food, its nutritional content has been associated with the prevention and treatment of some health problems. Do you know its 11 benefits?

Nutritional properties of unflavored gelatin

According to information in the Encyclopedia of Food and Health , gelatin is an insoluble protein that is obtained by hydrolysis of collagen, a basic structure found in the skin, tendons, bones, and connective tissues of animals. It stands out for being a product with wide applications in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, photographic and food industries.

Consistent with Wikipedia, unflavored gelatin is composed of 98% to 99% protein from collagen and 1% to 2% mineral salts. However, it is an incomplete protein, since it does not contain all the essential amino acids. Its most abundant amino acids include:

  • Glycine: 27%.
  • Proline: 16%.
  • Valine: 14%.
  • Hydroxyproline: 14%.
  • Glutamic acid: 11%.

Now, said amino acid composition may vary depending on the type of animal tissue used in its preparation. However, in general, gelatin is the food source with the most glycine, an amino acid that is very important for health.

As for other nutrients, which are minimal, it can provide vitamins and minerals such as sodium, calcium, phosphorus and folic acid, according to SELF Nutrition Data data .

Unflavored gelatin: 11 health benefits

Before knowing the health benefits of unflavored gelatin, it is important to make some clarifications. First of all, denying what some claim, it is not a “curative” or “super powerful” food against disease. While it has shown beneficial effects, there is no evidence that it can be a cure for health problems.

Therefore, another thing to keep in mind is that it is not a substitute for medical treatments. In some cases, it could be considered an adjunct to improve the symptoms of some diseases. However, it should not be a first-line treatment. When in doubt, it is best to consult your doctor.

1. Helps with blood sugar management

Glycine is one of the amino acids that gelatin contains. According to research published in the Journal of Endocrinological Investigation , this amino acid can help patients with type 2 diabetes manage their condition.

Specifically, it helps reduce high blood sugar levels and prevents complications associated with inflammation.

Helps manage blood sugar

2. Improves digestion

Gelatin is a hydrophilic food, that is, it attracts liquids, even when it is already cooked. This quality makes it a complement for the digestive system, since it helps retain stomach juices to facilitate the digestion of meals.

Its absorption improves bowel movement. At the same time, it favors the expulsion of waste that is usually retained in the colon. In addition, thanks to its contribution of glycine, it helps to restore the gastric mucosa. In this sense, it optimizes the assimilation of nutrients and prevents the development of digestive diseases.

3. Improves joint and bone health

Gelatin stands out for a significant concentration of essential amino acids. For this reason, it is a good supplement to maintain the health of the bones and cartilage of the joints.

Although the evidence is limited, its anti-inflammatory properties are believed to fight ailments in these systems. Incidentally, as a study published in Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism concludes , it could reduce the risk of diseases such as arthritis and osteoarthritis.

4. Contains protein

As we have already indicated, gelatin is composed of more than 90% proteins of high biological value. These, in addition to increasing energy, contribute to gaining muscle mass and improving physical performance.

It is recommended for athletes and pregnant women, since its amino acids are easily absorbed. This makes it easier for the cells to use them.

Unflavored gelatin

5. Helps to strengthen nails and hair

Nails and hair can also benefit from the amino acids contained in gelatin. These properties can be used both with its consumption and with its external application. In fact, many hair products contain it among their ingredients.

6. Helps improve the appearance of the skin

Collagen is one of the substances most used in the manufacture of creams and cosmetic treatments for skin care. As gelatin is made from cooked collagen, it provides the necessary amino acids to maintain a young and healthy complexion.

Its consumption and topical use helps to minimize the negative effects of the sun and toxins. Additionally, as detailed in a study published in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture , consuming collagen improves facial moisture and reduces wrinkles in humans.

7. Helps reduce anxiety and stress

The glycine contained in this ingredient also acts as a natural painkiller. For this reason, it minimizes the excessive production of norepinephrine, a hormone related to states of anxiety and panic. When absorbed into the body, it balances the activity of the nervous system. In turn, it slows down stress hormones.

Helps reduce anxiety and stress

8. Helps protect the intestinal wall

Gelatin compounds are helpful in reducing the permeability of the intestine. Therefore, it helps to repair the intestinal wall that is often irritated by food intolerances and some diseases.

This quality helps to improve the absorption process of nutrients from food. Thus, it is key to keeping the body in optimal condition.

9. Promotes a good quality of sleep

Do you have trouble falling asleep? Insomnia patients can cope with these problems by including a small portion of gelatin in their diet.

Amino acids, especially glycine, have shown positive effects on sleep quality. According to a study published in Sleep and Biological Rhythms , glycine could play a role as a sleep enhancer.

10. Help against overweight

Gelatin is low in calories and high in high-quality protein. For this reason, this ingredient is a good supplement for those who are trying to lose weight.

While there is no evidence to show the relationship between gelatin consumption and weight loss, some studies show that optimal protein intake plays a key role in controlling body weight.

The reason? Protein curbs the insatiable desire for calories. At the same time, they help increase energy expenditure during physically demanding activities.

Help against overweight

11. Accelerates wound healing

A recent study published in the Journal of Biomaterials Applications found that gelatin has healing activity. Therefore, it can be an adjunct in case of superficial wounds. It is even believed to have positive effects on internal injuries such as ulcers. However, evidence is lacking in this regard.

Unflavored gelatin is a supplement

Studies have found positive effects of unflavored gelatin as a food supplement. However, the findings are insufficient to consider it a remedy. Therefore, it is convenient to consume it within the framework of a healthy and balanced diet. In case of health problems, it is best to go to the doctor.

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