8 Benefits Of Apple Juice

Apple juice is a natural drink that has a certain sweet taste and is refreshing. It contributes to hydration and a feeling of fullness, but what benefits can it specifically provide?

Apple juice, a natural and healthy soft drink

One of the most consumed fruits in the world is the apple. The sweet taste that most of its varieties have, except for the green one, has made many people even have it as their favorite.

As a food, the apple is very versatile. Therefore, it is easily incorporated into multiple juice recipes , salads, desserts, canapes and much more. 

The highlight of the apple is that, given its composition (bioactive, phytochemicals, dietary fiber, etc.), it is capable of providing multiple health benefits. Of course, as long as it is consumed in a certain way and regularly, within a balanced diet, because by itself it is not capable of satisfying all the body’s needs.

Eating an apple once a year will not be able to bring us benefits. On the other hand, if we include it with some regularity in our daily meals or snacks, we can benefit from your contribution.

8 benefits of apple juice

Below we will tell you what are the benefits that the consumption of apple juice can provide, as a complement to a balanced diet. Take note!

Red apple juice.

1. Keeps the skin healthy and beautiful

  • As the apple contains  ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which is an essential nutrient for the production of collagen, it is considered that the consumption of the natural fruit or the apple juice as such, helps to maintain the health of the skin.
  • To a lesser extent, it also contains a certain amount of vitamin E. An antioxidant that allows proper cell function.

2. Take care of the heart

  • For one thing, apple juice tones the heart muscle. Histidine (another of its components) is an amino acid that, in the body, acts as a vasodilator and contributes to tissue repair, especially in the cardiovascular system. 
  • On the other hand, indirectly, apple juice prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the liver and thus preventing it from passing into the bloodstream. This is how it also protects the entire cardiovascular system.

    3. Supports the health of the muscular system

    A single apple  helps the body obtain the daily dose of potassium it requires to be healthy. Remember that potassium is one of the essential elements for the proper functioning of the muscles.

    In view of this, popular wisdom indicates that apple juice promotes the formation of muscle mass , since its intake helps transform the carbohydrates it contains into energy.

    4. Relieves muscle aches

    According to popular wisdom, regular intake of apple juice (for its potassium and antioxidant content) could help relieve muscle aches after training or a long workday.

    Likewise, it is said that The potassium contained in the juice has a positive effect on the bones, as it helps to increase their density .

    According to Medline Plus experts, potassium “helps nerve function and muscle contraction and helps keep your heart rate constant. It also allows nutrients to flow into cells and to expel waste from them ”.

    5. Refreshes

    Unlike industrial beverages – which are rich in sugar and salt, two substances that contribute to fluid retention and bloating – which seem to refresh instantly but then make you more thirsty, apple juice is a healthy alternative for avoid these annoyances and quench your thirst.

    6. Helps fight tiredness and fatigue

    Due to its sugar content, apple juice is a drink that can help fight tiredness and fatigue, after having made some kind of physical effort (a training session, for example).

    7. Helps relieve stomach pain

    As a mild natural soda, according to popular wisdom, apple juice is a drink that can help you get relief in case of mild digestive discomfort.

    8. Fight diarrhea

    According to beliefs, apple juice is a drink that can be taken in moderation in case of diarrhea. Not only does it “calm” the digestive system and provide relief, but it also provides hydration and satiety.

    Apple juice recipe

    The following is a very simple recipe to prepare a healthy drink which you can consume even on an empty stomach. It will ensure the necessary nutrients to start your day with energy.

    Apple juice with cinnamon


    • 4 cups of water (1 liter).
    • 5 tablespoons of lemon juice (50 ml).
    • 4 apples, preferably red or green.
    • 2 tablespoons of organic honey (20 g).
    • Optional: 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon (5 g). 


    • First, wash the apples well, cut them into 4 pieces and remove the core. Discard the seeds.
    • If you want, you can peel them. Although this step is not really necessary.
    • Then, add all the ingredients to the blender and  process for a few minutes until you get a smooth drink.
    • Finally, serve in a glass and enjoy this tasty juice.

    Ready to take advantage of this delicious natural soda? Go ahead and enjoy it within a healthy lifestyle and see all its benefits!

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