5 Contributions Of Honey

Honey could help you replace your cravings for sweets in a healthy way. Find out here what contributions it could have for your health.

Honey is a food that, in one way or another, is usually present in the home. Grandmothers usually reserve it to prepare syrups and home remedies, especially for coughs and the common cold, but also to sweeten teas, infusions and even various desserts. They, who know well the contributions of honey, know that this food must be used in moderation.

Next we will tell you a little more about honey and why it is a good supplement to your diet and why, although it is delicious, you should use it in moderation.

The consumption of sweet and the contributions of honey to health

Refined sugar is harmful to health, especially if it is consumed in excess. For this reason, the medical community and institutions such as the World Health Organization (WHO) have sought to raise awareness about its dangers, the importance of minimizing its consumption and giving priority to other options, such as honey.

Indeed, the dangers of white sugar and other related substances have been so widely publicized that many people go to the extreme and think that consuming something “sweet” is synonymous with “poison.” However, there are sweet foods that can be good for your health, in good measure.

Contrary to popular belief, minimizing sugar consumption doesn’t have to mean giving up your sweet tooth forever. Nature provides a delicious variety of natural sugars that, in addition to providing a delicious flavor, provide energy and various nutrients. These are the sugars found in fruits or honey, for example.

Taking all of the above into account, let’s see below some benefits that you may not have known about honey.

5 contributions of honey

1. Nourishes and provides energy

According to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, this food provides carbohydrates, amino acids and enzymes, as well as small doses of vitamins and minerals. Its main sugars include fructose, glucose and, in lesser amounts, sucrose.

Thanks to its composition, honey is a food that can provide some nutrients and a good dose of energy to the body. For this reason, it must be used in moderation, for example, a teaspoon dissolved in an infusion or refreshing drink before going to train, ride a bicycle or do a dance therapy session.

2. It would be antitussive

A study published in the Official Publication of The College of Family Physicians of Canada pointed out that the antitussive effects of honey would help relieve an itchy throat in children, allowing them to rest better at night after consumption.

Grandmothers mix honey with foods such as red onion, lemon, and ginger to enhance its medicinal effects. Have you ever tried any of these combinations?

3. It would reduce the risk of suffering from heart disease

According to a study by The Open Nutraceuticals Journal , honey would have antioxidant substances that would contribute to cardiovascular health, by fighting free radicals. For this reason, it is believed that consuming it regularly could help reduce the risk of heart attacks.

For her part, the nutritionist Marta Figueras, comments that:

4. It would leave the skin blemish-free

Honey for homemade bath bombs.

Honey has moisturizing, emollient and soothing properties, according to research data published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. For this reason, it is often included in cosmetics, as it is believed that it would help maintain youthful skin.

Also, due to its antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, honey could help you in skin care. In fact, it could alleviate the symptoms of various skin problems, such as acne, psoriasis or different wounds.

To do this, alternative medicine recommends applying a little raw honey directly to blemishes and letting it soak in overnight.

5. I would complement the diet to lose weight

Eating honey on a regular basis won’t make you lose weight, but it could replace your sweet tooth cravings in a healthier way. On the other hand, a study in rats suggested that honey would help decrease adiposity in individuals with a diet rich in fat.

Now that you know the benefits of this food, do not hesitate to incorporate it into your life. For best results, use natural honey, without additives.

Take advantage of the contributions of honey in moderation

Honey to take care of respiratory health.

Now that you know the contributions of honey, avoid committing excesses. Although it provides several nutrients, remember that it also provides calories and this, although it can come in handy in some cases, in others it can cause problems with weight.

Also keep in mind that its consumption is contraindicated for children under two years of age. Therefore, avoid giving honey to the smallest of the house at an early age and, if you are going to do it, always follow the pediatrician’s instructions.

Finally, remember that, although healthy and delicious, honey is not a treatment as such for any disease or ailment, but a supplement that can be used to improve and vary your diet.

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