6 Anti-cellulite Exercises You Can Do At Home

Exercises that tone the areas of the lower body are useful to reduce cellulite that forms on the buttocks, hips and thighs. We tell you which ones can serve you and what their effects are due to.

Physical activity helps to combat the accumulation of fat and fluids in the body, two factors that directly affect that “hollow” appearance that appears in the legs, called cellulite. For that reason, many people have started to include anti-cellulite exercises in their regular training routines.

Beyond exercise, it is true that other healthy habits should be adopted to significantly reduce this problem, as detailed in a publication in Offarm magazine . For example, eating a balanced diet and avoiding the use of high heels are two highly recommended measures.

Similarly, keeping the body active and toning some susceptible areas is decisive when it comes to obtaining satisfactory results. An article on the specialized medicine site WebMD indicates that strength training, which contributes to muscle toning, helps smooth the skin.

Likewise, this publication confirms that cardiovascular work allows reducing body fat levels, which also affect the appearance of cellulite.

Alternatives to anti-cellulite exercises for the home

Best of all, excuses for not doing physical activity hardly apply anymore. Although some women think they need time and special tools to do this, there are several ways to follow a routine at home without any difficulty. Are you interested? Cheer up!

1. Jump rope

Jumping rope: an aerobic exercise with health benefits

Cardiovascular exercises have a positive effect in reducing uncomfortable “orange peel”. In fact, a study published by the International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism , whose purpose was to evaluate the effectiveness of certain non-invasive devices for weight loss, highlights that aerobic physical activity is very efficient in terms of energy expenditure.

Therefore, this type of exercise is useful to eliminate fat and improve body composition. So, one of the ways to combat this condition is nothing more and nothing less than jumping rope. Getting started is very simple:

  • Take a rope that fits your height and jump for 5-10 minutes.
  • Of course, you can jump at intervals, according to your physical condition.

2. Steps anti-cellulite exercise

One of the most beneficial anti-cellulite exercises is the one performed with steps . Despite being basic in routines for legs and buttocks, it has cardiovascular effects that help combat fat accumulated by the energy expenditure mentioned above.

In addition, these works activate circulation and tone the thighs and calves. They are carried out as follows:

  • Stand on a step , step, or bench, with your heels hanging off the edge.
  • Next, get up on the balls of your feet in one smooth motion.
  • Then go up and down several times; Complete at least 15 repetitions.

3. Lunges

Lunges or lunges

The stride is an activity that especially works the back of the leg and the glutes, according to research published by the Journal of Sports Rehabilitation .

Therefore, we can also include it among anti-cellulite exercises that allow toning areas such as the hips and buttocks and thus avoid the accumulation of adipose tissue. The steps to carry it out are as follows:

  • Stand up straight and put one foot in front and the other behind.
  • Stand on your back foot and bend your front leg to a right angle.
  • Also, keep your chest straight and contract your abdominal muscles.
  • Hold for five seconds and return to the starting position.
  • Do 12 repetitions on each side.

4. Buttock lift

Thanks to its ability to tone the lower body, this interesting exercise is a good ally against cellulite caused by flaccidity. It requires a bit of physical stamina and balance, but it ‘s great for firming your glutes.

  • First, get on a mat, facing the ground.
  • Next, get on your knees and palms, making sure your hands are just below your shoulder.
  • Raise one of your legs and push with your heel facing up.
  • Try to hold for five seconds and return to the ground in a slow motion.
  • Finally, switch legs and alternate movements 10-12 times.

5. Abductors, other recommended anti-cellulite exercises

Exercises for the abductors

Doing anti-cellulite exercises that involve the abductor muscles helps improve the appearance of areas such as the thighs and hips ; often this skin condition is concentrated in these areas. Follow these steps to do it:

  • First, lie on the mat on the right side of your body, with your legs stretched out, one on top of the other.
  • Also, use your right hand to support your neck and put the other on the floor for balance.
  • Next, lift your left leg toward the ceiling in one smooth motion.
  • Then hold for three seconds and return to the starting point without touching the supporting leg.
  • Finally, do 15 repetitions on each side.

6. Bicycle lying down

Movements that target multiple muscle groups are ideal for toning areas where fat nodules form. For this reason, the bicycle lying down is one of the anti-cellulite exercises that should not be missed when doing your routine.

This activity works the abdominal region. In turn, it stimulates circulation in the legs, as does physical exercise in general. Do it as follows:

  • Lie on your back and lift your legs a little.
  • Put your hands at the sides of your body and imitate pedaling a bicycle with your legs.
  • Finally, do 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

Combine anti-cellulite exercises with good habits

Finally, do not forget to complement this routine with the abundant consumption of water and fruits and vegetables. Without a combination of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle habits, it is not possible to reduce the effects of uncomfortable cellulite.

As we pointed out at the beginning, it is also advisable to combine these works with aerobic exercise for best results. By combining these habits, you can reduce the chances of this problem affecting your skin.

Ultimately, keep in mind that other factors like genetics and age also play a role. Therefore, beyond continuing to take care of yourself, do not be discouraged if you lose firmness in the mentioned areas anyway. After all, certain natural processes are irreversible, and you must love yourself just the way you are!

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