What Is The Indicated Amount Of Water To Drink Per Day?

The most frequent question that many people ask ourselves is if it is really necessary to drink 8 glasses of water a day to be perfectly hydrated, and thus maintain a healthy life.

Next, we are going to discover if 8 glasses of water a day are actually necessary to be well hydrated.  Also, we will find out if this precious liquid can be replaced or not.

When anyone is asked how much water to drink daily, the immediate answer that is obtained is 8 glasses, it is almost a compulsory or learned answer, since that is the recommendation that is always given to us when we visit a doctor. However, what many people wonder is if this is actually the right amount to maintain the health of all our organs.

8 glasses of water a day: Is it necessary?

Undoubtedly, for a long time, different questions have been asked about the appropriate amount of water to drink. In addition to that, some studies have been carried out that allowed to conclude that, the 8 glasses of water a day in reality do not have the powers that for many years was thought, since it has not been scientifically proven if they actually have or do not have benefits on our Health.

The water in our body

Water is the main component of our body, accounting for almost 60 percent of body weight. All systems and parts of the body depend on water for their functioning, whether it is for the transport of nutrients, for the elimination of toxins or to keep tissues and some organs well hydrated; In this way, when we do not drink enough water, it can make us very thirsty, which means that we are not hydrated enough.

In the same way, every moment we lose water, either through sweat, urine, respiration and feces. For this reason, water must always be replaced, but it must be taken into account that each person is different and that not all people require the same amount of liquid to be perfectly hydrated, that depends on the lifestyle, the climate and of the physical activity that each person does.

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Medical recommendations on water consumption

drinking water

When doctors recommend drinking between 8 and 9 glasses of water a day, they are based on the amount of fluids that are lost in the urine – which can be between 6 to 3 glasses a day – plus 4 glasses through sweat, breathing and feces. Through meals you can receive a contribution of almost 20 percent of the required fluid, in addition to the two liters of water that is recommended, that is, in theory, 8 glasses can replace all the amount of fluid that is lost during the day.

In any case, experts like Dr. VĂ­ctor Lorenzo specify that there is not enough evidence to support the fact of drinking a certain amount of water forcibly. Thus, the doctor warns that, to maintain homeostasis, at least 600 milliliters of water are necessary.

A very simple way to know if you are well hydrated is simply when you do not feel thirsty and your urine is light in color, but if on the contrary your urine is very strong or cloudy and you feel very thirsty, what you have to do is to check if you are drinking enough water.

How to calculate the amount of water a person requires

  • When exercising: When a person exercises daily they must hydrate before during and after exercise.
  • Depending on the climate: People who live in a place with a hot and humid climate sweat more than those who live in a temperate and dry climate. In winter, if heating is used, the body tends to lose moisture, therefore more water must be consumed.
  • Regarding the altitude: People who live in a place that is more than 2,500 meters high, must drink more liquid since they urinate more and breathing is faster.
  • For illnesses: When suffering from diarrhea, vomiting and fever it is necessary to stay well hydrated.
  • During pregnancy and lactation: It is very important that women who go through these stages of their life drink at least 13 glasses of liquids a day, be it water or natural juices.

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It is important that you bear in mind that the amount of fluids that are needed for good hydration can also be obtained by consuming fruits such as watermelon and tomatoes, for example.

If despite these recommendations you still have some doubts about the amount of water your body needs, we recommend that you go to a doctor since there are some health conditions that restrict the consumption of liquids, therefore these people would be very affected drink copious amounts of water.

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