9 Tips To Combat Bad Breath From Garlic And Onion

It is advisable to complement these remedies with regular brushing with toothpaste. If bad breath persists, it is best to consult your doctor to verify if its origin is some type of infection or oral disease.

Garlic and onion are two very healthy foods that for years have earned a very important place in the diet thanks to the properties that they can contribute to health.

Both have very similar characteristics and nutrients because they have antiseptic, antibiotic and antioxidant properties. In addition, they have vitamins and minerals that strengthen the body’s defenses and can help prevent various diseases.

However, although we know that these two vegetables can do a lot for health, there are still thousands of people who prefer to avoid them in their diet due to the strong breath they leave after being ingested.

This side effect is almost inevitable and is usually caused by the volatile sulfur compounds they contain. That same volatility means that a large part of them are not digested, but become part of the bloodstream to benefit the whole body.

The problem is that, by remaining attached to the mouth and gums, it becomes a great food for the bacteria that live there, which a few minutes later translates into strong halitosis. Will it be possible to neutralize it?

Keep in mind that it is advisable to go to the doctor or dentist to detect the cause of bad breath and offer the most appropriate medical treatment. It will be the professional who determines the use of these complementary remedies.

For all those who fear having bad breath after ingesting these two foods, there are a series of tricks and remedies that could help to eliminate it and not cause discomfort. Are you interested in knowing them?

1. Coffee beans

Coffee grains

Although they have a strong bitter taste, coffee beans could be a good alternative to combat bad odors from the mouth immediately. This is due to the pungent aroma that characterizes it, but also to its ability to inhibit the bacteria that cause halitosis.

According to a study carried out in Tel Aviv, the components of coffee could reduce the production of bad odor and the bacteria that produce it.

2. Cinnamon tea

Cinnamon and bay leaf tea

Consuming a cinnamon tea after eating garlic and onion can absorb the sulfuric elements that remain in the mouth. In addition, it has bactericidal properties that reduce bacterial growth to prevent infections in teeth, tongue and gums.

This study provided evidence that cinnamon oil may be a promising substance for controlling bad breath by inhibiting growth, killing biofilm, and reducing hydrogen sulfide production.

3. Lemon juice

Lemon juice

A lemon juice rinse can block the strong aroma caused by the sulfurous agents in garlic and onions.

It is enough to swish the lemon making sure to touch all the areas of the mouth so that not a single cavity is left with some kind of bad smell. Of course its application must be complemented with ordinary brushing.

Findings from this research suggest that oral care with a mixture of diluted tea tree, peppermint, and lemon essential oils may be an effective method of reducing odor and the production of volatile sulfur compounds.

4. Cloves

Clove homemade repellants for mosquitoes

This popular spice is one of the best to eliminate all kinds of bad odors. In this case, it is best to chew one after eating these foods and leave it for a few minutes so it has time to act.

It can also be prepared as an infusion to gargle with the resulting liquid. To make an infusion, it must be prepared with a minimum of 4 units.

5. Milk and its derivatives

Milk and its derivatives

Milk and some of its derivatives could reduce the concentration of those chemicals that generate a strong odor in garlic and onion.

Apparently,  its important contribution of natural fats can reduce the unpleasant aroma, although it is more affective if it is mixed with food before being ingested.

Due to its high fat content, whole milk is better than skim milk. Plain yogurt and cheddar cheese are also appropriate for their ability to regulate pH and reduce acidity.

However, according to some studies, eating dairy-rich foods increases the production of mucus that can cause halitosis.

6. Green tea

Green Tea

Green tea has a significant amount of polyphenols that could neutralize bad breath by fighting microorganisms present in the mouth.

In addition to this, it is listed as one of the healthiest drinks due to its high contribution of antioxidant compounds and other substances that benefit the body.

7. Mint tea

Peppermint has become very popular around the world as a cooling herb. Thanks to this it can be used to combat halitosis, including that caused by hydrogen sulfide that leaves both garlic and onion.

Its antibacterial properties slow down microbial growth in the mouth and gums, and in addition to this, it is believed to have beneficial compounds for digestive health.

8. Water

Water is not properly a remedy to neutralize the bad smell, but it is essential to increase its consumption as a form of prevention. 

In many cases it is very difficult to reduce the bacteria and compounds that cause the unpleasant odor, as there is some level of dryness in the mouth.

9. Parsley


Chewing a sprig of parsley is one of the most popular remedies to immediately neutralize that bad breath left by these ingredients.

Its bactericidal agents eliminate the bacteria that generate the strong odor and, in addition, it is appropriate to avoid infections.

To keep in mind!

The effects of these natural remedies can vary from person to person and depending on the degree of halitosis you have. Therefore, it is advisable to complement the treatment with regular brushing with toothpaste.

If bad breath persists, it is best to consult your doctor to verify if its origin is some type of infection or oral disease.

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