9 Simple Tips To Take Care Of Your Nails Inside And Out

To have beautiful nails we must follow a very simple daily beauty routine. However, we must also take into account the diet, which provides the necessary nutrients to be strong and not break easily.

Discover in this article 9 easy but effective tips to achieve healthy and splendid nails.

Caring for nails on the outside and inside

If we want a beauty treatment to be effective, long-lasting and not involve health risks, we must base it on natural remedies.

The effects may not be immediate but, in the long run, we will have much more satisfactory results.

To achieve this we must not focus only on topical treatment. It is also important to take into account influencing factors such as diet. 

9 simple tips to take care of your nails

1. Nurture them every night

Never bite them

During the hours of the night we can take advantage of it to nourish our nails, since it is a time when our body is at rest and better absorbs the nutrients that we apply to it. In addition, in this way we can use products that could be too greasy during the day.

We recommend nourishing your nails with castor oil.  This has a very dense texture and a great ability to maintain hydration, while creating a protective outer layer.

It is one of the best remedies to thicken them. If it bothers us to have oily nails, we can use cotton gloves.

2. Blanch them

Nails can yellow over time or even have small spots for different reasons. A simple and natural home remedy to whiten them consists of rubbing half a lemon, since this citrus has a high whitening and cleaning power, as well as giving shine.

We can do it two or three times a week, before applying castor oil at night.

3. Exfoliate your hands

Exfoliating the hands once a week helps us to keep both these and the nails soft and young.

And it is that in this way we facilitate the elimination of dead cells that accumulate in the superficial layers and that give a rough texture and a dull appearance.

You can exfoliate with homemade products like baking soda, sugar, or salt. If you have dry hands, combine them with a little vegetable oil.

4. Moisturize your hands during the day

During the day we can use a moisturizing hand cream and, in this way, we will also help the nails keep moisture. We recommend using natural creams, free of chemical additives, made with vegetable and essential oils.

5. Drink water

Over the years, our body becomes progressively dehydrated, so we are more predisposed to wrinkles and dry skin, hair and nails.

However, we can delay premature aging by drinking at least one and a half liters of water a day. We will always try to do it outside of meals so that it fulfills its moisturizing function.

6. Don’t miss out on these vitamins

To have strong, beautiful and healthy nails, your diet cannot be without:

  • Group B vitamins, especially B8 or biotin.
  • Vitamin C.

We can get a good amount of vitamins, as well as minerals, with some nutritional supplements such as nutritional yeast or spirulina.

7. Self-massage for nails and hair


We can perform a simple daily massage to improve health and appearance. We only have to rub the nails of both hands between them, with the fingers bent so that they can be touched.

8. Use natural enamels

If you have the possibility to use natural enamels, choose them instead of the conventional ones. The latter usually contain substances that are harmful to health, such as toluene, phthalates, formaldehyde or camphor.

9. Never bite them

Some people have a bad habit of biting to relieve anxiety or stress, which can damage them irreversibly and even damage their teeth in the long term.

You can combat this vice with natural remedies such as Bach flowers, homeopathy and relaxing medicinal plants (lavender, linden, passionflower, etc.).

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