9 Reasons To Drink Cucumber Water Every Day

Have you heard about the benefits of drinking cucumber water? Cucumber is a healthy, low-calorie food that contributes to promoting physical and mental well-being when included in a balanced and healthy diet.

Although many use it in the preparation of salads and soups, it can also be used in drinks. However, it is good to know that it is not a “healing”, “detoxifying” or similar food. Simply, being a hydrating drink and low in calories, it serves as an adjunct to take care of health and weight.

How to prepare cucumber water?

Cucumber water is a natural drink that can be ingested on a daily basis without any problem. It is easy to prepare and can be combined with other ingredients such as lemon to enjoy a more pleasant flavor. Let’s see in detail how to make the recipe.

How to prepare cucumber water?


  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)
  • ½ cucumber
  • One lemon’s juice
  • 3 mint leaves
  • Ice


  • Put all the ingredients in the blender glass and process for a few moments.

Drinking cucumber water helps hydrate the body

One of the main reasons to drink cucumber water every day is that it is a good alternative to hydrate the body. As some may know, a dehydrated body can begin to present problems that deteriorate the quality of life.

That is why, from the American Academy of Family Physicians , it is recommended that most people consume about 6 and 8 glasses of water a day. This amount can be higher if you do too much physical activity, practice sports or are in very hot climates.

Information published in NutritionValue states that cucumbers are composed mostly of water, approximately 96%. In addition, they make a modest contribution of minerals, such as potassium and sodium, which also intervene in the regulation of fluids in the body. 

Cucumber water for fluid retention

9 reasons to drink cucumber water

As we have made clear, cucumber water is not curative and it is not a treatment against health problems. However, it is a fact that this vegetable is beneficial for health and can promote well-being as part of a healthy and balanced diet.  

  1. Constipation: A 2013 review in Phytotherapy  determined that cucumbers, due to their water and fiber content, serve as adjuvants against constipation.
  2. Weight loss: A 2011 study in the journal Obesity states that higher water intake correlates with higher weight loss in middle-aged and older adults. Drinking cucumber water is a good way to ensure optimal fluid intake.
  3. Protection of the nervous system and brain: Cucumbers are a good source of fisetin. According to a 2013 review in the journal Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, this substance has a protective effect on nerve cells. In addition, it showed positive effects by improving memory and decreasing the risk of Alzheimer’s in mice.
  4. Antioxidant Activity: According to a 2010 animal study published in the Journal of Young Pharmacists , fresh cucumber extracts have a significant effect on free radical scavenging thanks to their antioxidant properties.
  5. Healthy skin: In other research published in the Archives of Dermatological Research , beneficial effects of cucumber were found to care for the skin. In general, its antioxidants help prevent premature aging associated with oxidative stress.
  6. Anti-inflammatory activity: the triterpene cucurbitacin contained in cucumber could help fight inflammation according to the findings of a study published in the  Journal of Ethnopharmacology.
  7. Cardiovascular health: the potassium contained in cucumber not only contributes to the balance of fluids in the body. In general, an adequate supply of this mineral contributes to good cardiovascular health, as suggested by the findings of an investigation published in the Archives of Internal Medicine .
  8. Blood Pressure: A 2017 study published in Public Health of Indonesia observed that elderly participants with hypertension had a significant drop in blood pressure after consuming cucumber juice for 12 days.
  9. Kidney Health: A study published in the medical journal  Nutrition Reviews on the importance of drinking water shows that good hydration is key to supporting kidney function.

Drinking cucumber water is a way to take care of yourself

Although it should be clear that cucumber water is not a healing drink or with super properties, it is good to know that its regular intake is a way to ensure good hydration. In addition, due to its modest contribution of nutrients, it also serves as an adjuvant to take care of health.

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