8 Things You Should Never Do To Babies

When getting pregnant, it is normal to receive a lot of advice from other experienced mothers, and even grandmothers. But that does not mean that they are all right. Everyone tells you what to do and what not to do with your baby; sometimes they are nothing more than well-founded ideas. Therefore, it is important to know what are the things that you should never do to babies ; harmful things that we do to them, sometimes, with the best of intentions.

However, as Nietzsche said: “the road to hell is paved with good intentions . But, many times, it is not only the intention that counts, but the result produced.

Some things you should never do to babies

It is true that being a mother for the first time is a difficult job, but it is not impossible. With the necessary information, help and practice you can allow your child to develop properly. Here are some things to avoid.

1. Let them cry for a long time

As a mother, you will surely have moments when you are very busy. But remember that your baby needs your care constantly and tries to communicate with you so that you pay attention to him, and only through crying can he express his needs.

Letting him cry for a long time can be harmful. If this happens, the baby will feel distressed and could increase their stress levels and cause dependency, insecurity and possible damage to their emotional and intellectual development, as this study published in Development and psychopathology points out .

you should never do to babies

For this reason, by constantly attending and communicating with your little one, you will strengthen his confidence  and make him a child without self-esteem problems in his future and manage to adapt efficiently in society.

2. Lay them face down to sleep

In the past, laying babies on their stomachs was said to help them pass gas and prevent the risks of suffocation from vomiting. However, at present, on the contrary, this is considered to increase the chances of sudden death from suffocation. Lying him on his back is the best way to avoid unnecessary risks.

Likewise, as this work carried out by researchers from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria shows, sleeping on the stomach is associated with a higher incidence of cases of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

3. Leave them alone, without paying attention to them

It is a serious mistake to believe that babies are very small and will not move if left alone, because children have the ability to roll over and can hurt themselves. That is why it is one of the things you should never do to babies.

In addition, one of the most common causes of falls in children is because parents leave them alone in bed or crib  and, if they are unprotected at a very high height, they can turn and fall, causing serious injuries.

4. Shake or shake them

It is common for parents, in the form of play, to shake the baby when he cries to try to stop him. Sometimes it works, however this game can cause irreversible damage. Shaking or shaking infants can lead to Shaken Baby Syndrome .

This syndrome is defined as being a trauma where the brain moves back and forth within the skull. Some damages that it can cause, as evidenced by this research published in Clinical Legal and Forensic Psychopathology , are

you should never do to babies

  • Contusions and hemorrhages.
  • Blindness.
  • Hearing loss or speech disorders.
  • Damage to the neck.
  • Permanent brain damage.
  • Death.

5. Punish them physically, one of the things you should never do to babies

If you think that your baby is misbehaving, you should not slap him on the buttock or hand. What you have to do is look him in the eye and speak with a firm voice.

Punishing him can result in physical and mental injuries, in addition to becoming an aggressive child with low self-esteem. Equally important, the child may be less confident and uneasy in the presence of his parents, poor intellectual growth, and weak motivation to learn new things.

6. Do not remove the gases

It should be insisted that the baby burps so that he can expel the gases that are generated after feeding. In the case of not doing so, the child may suffer from more colic due to gas, and it will be difficult for him to rest; if you are sleeping, you may wake up from the pain.

7. Feed him a variety of foods

you should never do to babies

It is a very common mistake to feed your baby foods other than breast milk or formula prescribed by the doctor ahead of time. It must be taken into account that the baby’s digestive system is developing in the first months of his life, therefore, feeding him with other foods can cause allergies and intolerances.

8. Allow it to be in contact with bacteria and viruses

Another thing you should never do to babies is hold or touch them with unwashed hands. You have to wash your hands several times a day because, in this way, you can avoid the spread of diseases by bacteria and viruses.

Likewise, it should be avoided that they are in contact with people who have mild symptoms of flu or cold, since, in the event that the little ones become infected, it could bring them complications such as pneumonia, bronchiolitis and other severe respiratory problems.

About the things you should never do to babies

In short, it  is recommended that you ask a specialist for advice directly every time you have any questions about the things you should never do to babies. Thus, you will avoid confusion and cross information.

If you are concerned about the care your little one should receive, don’t hesitate to ask someone with experience for help. But, yes, remember that the most important thing is to give a lot of love and make your baby feel that you will always be present for him.

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