8 Foods That Will Give You A Feeling Of Happiness

Can food give us a feeling of happiness? Believe it or not, you have at your fingertips a series of fabulous nutrients that will improve your mood. Eating well is living better and eating consciously is also enhancing our well-being.

From the food we eat, we obtain a series of vitamins, minerals and macronutrients such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates every day. All of this is essential for our body to carry out its functions. Now, the human being does not eat just to survive, we also do it to enjoy and to improve our positive emotions.

Thus, in recent years we see more and more frequently how new areas of knowledge are being developed with the same purpose: to teach us to eat better to be happy.

Practices such as mindful eating or the science of eating happiness, offer us a series of practices and tips with which to achieve changes. Improvements such as concentration, optimism and motivation.

In this way, studies such as the one carried out in the Department of Psychology, University of Konstanz, remind us that choosing our food well means having the opportunity to feel better. To be happier.

On this occasion we have compiled the 8 healthiest so that you do not hesitate to incorporate them more regularly into your diet. Enjoy them!

1. Dark chocolate and the feeling of happiness

A moderate portion of dark or dark chocolate, composed of at least 60% cocoa, not only increases the feeling of happiness, but also provides the body with a significant amount of essential antioxidants that stop the action of free radicals.

Its consumption stimulates blood flow in the brain, which improves mood and concentration skills. What’s more, studies like the one carried out at the University of Petaluma, in California, reveal that it is enough to take 3.2 ounces of chocolate per week to notice results.

In addition, thanks to its energy value, it serves to revitalize the body when you start to feel tired and enjoy a greater feeling of happiness.

2. Asparagus

People with low levels of folic acid and tryptophan are at higher risk of slipping into depressive states.

Both substances are associated with an increase in the feeling of well-being, due to the fact that they increase the secretion of serotonin and endorphins.

Luckily, asparagus can provide a good amount of these to calm negative emotions and prolong peace of mind.

The best thing is that they are very low in calories and are recommended for all those who want to lose weight.

3. Salmon

Salmon representing how to get a feeling of happiness

Salmon and other varieties of oily fish are a source of essential nutrients that improve health in many ways.

  • Its omega 3 fatty acids boost cholesterol regulation to reduce the risk of cardiovascular or inflammatory diseases.
  • It has also been shown to have benefits on brain health, including its ability to stimulate mood-enhancing hormones of happiness.
  • Likewise, and as a curiosity, studies such as the one published in the journal Aggressive Behavior show us that the early consumption of foods rich in omega 3 reduces aggressive behavior in children. It acts as a neuroprotector against the most adverse emotions.

Also, its high content of vitamin B12 increases the production of serotonin, one of the neurotransmitters necessary for well-being.

4. Spinach

This green vegetable is one of the best foods that can be included in the regular diet. It contains protein, fiber, chlorophyll, and many essential nutrients that revitalize the body while preventing disease.

Its leaves provide significant amounts of folic acid, a substance that reduces fatigue and depression.

On the other hand, it provides magnesium, an essential mineral that favors balance in the levels of serotonin and endorphins. Ideal to experience a greater feeling of happiness.

5. Extra virgin olive oil

Olive oil representing how to get a feeling of happiness

Considered one of the healthiest fats that can be incorporated into the diet, olive oil is another good ally of good humor.

It contains antioxidant substances that act in favor of brain and nervous system health.

Its high levels of omega 3 fatty acids improve blood circulation and reduce inflammatory processes that cause various diseases.

It also provides vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that prevents premature aging of the skin and internal organs.

6. Legumes

Legumes are a source of iron, folic acid, fiber, and vitamins that increase feelings of energy and reduce pain.

Its complex carbohydrates keep the body active and help improve your mood and memory.

They are recommended to relieve the feeling of tiredness, irritability and anemia because they stimulate the production of red blood cells for adequate oxygenation of the cells.

7. Garlic

Although it does not have a very pleasant taste, raw garlic is a very complete food to benefit the body on a physical and mental level.

Its consumption on an empty stomach strengthens the immune system, reduces the presence of viruses and bacteria, and, incidentally, increases brain serotonin to reduce stress and depression.

8. Coco

coconut oil representing how to get a feeling of happiness

Coconut is a delicious fruit that provides the body with nutrients to increase its energy and revitalize it.

It is proven that it works in favor of brain health and good mood thanks to its significant contribution of triglycerides.

However, it is important to be careful not to consume it in large quantities and not in unhealthy desserts rich in sugar.

Do you often feel depressed or sad? Do not hesitate to consume these foods to improve your moods in a natural and healthy way, thus enjoying a greater feeling of happiness.

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