7 Ways To Relieve Bunion Pain

It is believed that it is possible to relieve bunion pain with some home remedies and the consumption of foods with anti-inflammatory properties.

Bunions are a deformity in the big toe that, Part of being very painful, it is not well seen aesthetically. Its scientific name is H allux valgus  and it is an excessive formation of bone in the finger with a pocket of fluid at the base.

It has been discovered that the cause of the appearance of bunions is, in a higher percentage, a product of genetic inheritance. But beware, what is inherited  It is not the deformity exactly, but the form of to walk .

To properly treat the pain and discomfort caused by bunions, it is best to go to the doctor and follow his instructions. On the other hand, it is advisable to wear comfortable shoes every day and maintain good lifestyle habits.

7 home remedies for bunion pain relief

In addition to maintaining good lifestyle habits and following your doctor’s recommendations, popular wisdom suggests some home remedies for bunion pain relief.

1. Chamomile

Chamomile infusion for hemorrhoids.

Given that chamomile has anti – inflammatory, sedative and analgesic properties, it is considered that can be exploited in various ways to relieve feet with bunions.

Some are encouraged to simply consume its infusion daily before going to sleep, while others prepare poultices or apply chamomile ointments to obtain relief.

2. Aspirin and olive oil

According to beliefs, crushing about three aspirins and mixing it with a little olive oil it is possible to obtain a mixture with anti-inflammatory properties, suitable for the relief of the discomfort caused by bunions.

It is usually recommended to apply and massage the area with gentle movements for at least 10 minutes.

3. Localized exercise

To alleviate bunion pain, you can combine the above remedy with the following The exercises that we are going to tell you about.

  • Sit down and, with your hands, move your fingers back and forth for about 5 minutes. Do it gently, no need to hurt. 
  • Then roll a ball with your feet for 10 minutes. This is a good form of self-massage that contributes to relief.

4. Foot bath with fig salt

Baths to soften the feet with vinegar and almond oil

According to popular wisdom, salt baths are positive for the relief of foot discomfort, including bunions. Although you can use coarse sea salt, you can also use fig salt, or magnesium sulfate.

  • Dissolve a tablespoon or two of this salt in hot or warm water, and soak your feet daily for at least 20 minutes to reduce bunion pain.
  • It is good that you do this at night so that you lie down to sleep with your feet much lighter.

5. Essential oils

Self-massages with essential oils with anti-inflammatory properties can also be very helpful. Chamomile essential oil is a good option, since it is suitable for different skin types, although lavender and calendula are also often used.

Read: How to make and use lavender oil?

6. Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice with anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve bunion pain. It can be used as a poultice, but also in the form of a tonic.


  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder (5 g).
  • 1 teaspoon of oil of those mentioned before (5 g).


  • Combine the two ingredients and apply the mixture giving yourself a massage.
  • To finish, remove it with a towel or warm water.

7. Proper diet

Maintaining a proper diet is essential for good health. But when it comes to alleviating certain discomforts, it is convenient to include some foods with anti-inflammatory properties such as Ginger, cinnamon, green tea, fruits, oats, greens, and vegetables can all contribute to bunion pain relief.

It is not necessary to eat them all at once, but try to include them in moderation in a balanced diet.

How to avoid bunions?

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If you suspect that you may have a bunion, try to wear looser shoes that do not pinch your foot. Consult a with a specialist, the podiatrist, how to treat it in the best way.

For more help, follow these tips to prevent bunions:

  • Choose comfortable shoes .  Try to wear square footwear suitable for your feet.
  • Visit an orthopedist. It will indicate the type of shoes you should wear to reduce bunion pain and delay its development.
  • Use orthotics , such as silicone pads and other soft materials , special insoles, splints, and day or night correctors.
  • Apply hot and cold compresses . Alternating hot and cold in bunions often helps improve circulation.

    Remember that the important thing is prevention. If someone in your family has bunions, you may have them too.

    The ideal is to observe any type of anomalies in that area of ​​the feet such as numbness, redness and pain, and go to check-ups with the podiatrist.

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