7 Tips And Remedies To Take Care Of Your Intestinal Flora

Since we tend to weaken our intestinal flora with the consumption of antibiotics and inappropriate behaviors, it is convenient to take into account some guidelines to strengthen it and keep it healthy.

The digestive system is colonized by a microbial community known as the intestinal flora. These are found in the digestive tract and have a lot to do with the proper digestion of food, the absorption of nutrients and the prevention of infections.

In a healthy organism, live bacteria grow and have no difficulty in carrying out their tasks. However, these can be weakened by excessive consumption of antibiotics, corticosteroid treatments, stress and certain foods.

As a consequence, the body is left unprotected and the risks of digestive and immune diseases increase. Due to this, it is essential to give it special attention and know certain measures to keep it in perfect condition.

1. Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables


Fruits and vegetables contain fiber and antioxidant substances that strengthen the immune response and digestive processes. These help fight “bad” bacteria and help regulate the pH of the stomach for the growth of “good bacteria.”

It should be noted that certain types of soluble fiber have been shown to be capable of promoting the growth of microbiota bacteria. An example would be beta glucans from oats or pectin from apples. Therefore, its regular presence in the diet is recommended.

The most recommended vegetables are those that are included in the list of prebiotics, foods that stimulate the growth and activity of the flora. Some of these are:

  • Spinach
  • The onion.
  • Garlic.
  • Artichoke.
  • The banana.
  • The corn.
  • The apples.

2. Eat foods high in fiber

Although fruits and vegetables are significant sources of fiber, it is also convenient to obtain it through other healthy foods.

Whole grains, legumes and nuts are other good options to repair the altered flora. According to a study published in Gut Microbes , the regular consumption of prebiotic substances is able to ensure an energetic substrate for the bacteria in the intestine.

The importance of these foods is that they are essential for a proper bowel movement and the elimination of waste, helping to take care of your intestinal flora.

3. Increase your water intake

Drink a lot of water

We have often emphasized that drinking water provides wonderful benefits to your overall health.

Well, it is time to make a special mention of it again, since it is also key to improving the environment that bacteria need to grow.

Its consumption promotes detoxification and lubricates the intestine for the correct expulsion of wastes that unbalance the pH.

4. Avoid excess protein of animal origin

Protein is a nutrient that should not be lacking in meal plans. With these we give energy to the body, increase muscle mass and perform many functions optimally.

However, those that come from foods of animal origin are more difficult to digest and create an overload for the flora of the intestine.

If possible, you should limit your portions and try to obtain it through plant sources such as soybeans, legumes and seeds.

5. Wash your hands frequently


Proper hand hygiene has a lot to do with gut health. Although it is not visible to the naked eye, they are usually full of microorganisms that can harm the body.

Its constant contact with various surfaces, the manipulation of various substances and even rubbing with other people increases the risk of contracting aggressive pathogens.

Try to wash them before eating, after going to the bathroom and at all times that you consider appropriate.

6. Eat plain yogurt

Natural yogurt is made from fermented milk with a high content of probiotics or microorganisms beneficial to flora, according to a study published in Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology.

Consuming it in adequate amounts helps to regulate the pH of the intestinal microbial and increases the immune response.

On the other hand, it should be noted that this food contains high quality proteins and essential nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus and vitamins A and D.

7. Kombucha tea to take care of your intestinal flora

Kombucha tea is a fermented tea-based beverage with a wide range of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and organic acids that support digestive health.

It is originally from China but is currently known in Japan, Europe and several countries in America.

Due to its probiotic power, it restores altered intestinal flora, increases the body’s energies and promotes general well-being.

Improve the diet to take care of the intestinal flora

As you can see, taking care of the intestinal flora is not difficult and it has many benefits for the entire organism. It is important to be aware of its importance to health in order to prevent it from deteriorating. For this reason, we recommend increasing your consumption of fiber and fermented foods.

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