7 Ideal Foods To Enhance Reducing Diets

Carbohydrates and healthy fats are essential to enhance reducing diets. Do not get carried away by rumors and choose well what you consume.

When we think of reducing or weight loss diets, the first thing that comes to mind is the word “resignation”. The usual thing is to believe that it is necessary to stop eating a lot of food and this causes us stress. However this is not entirely true. Rather, it is about privileging some over the other, but without completely abandoning any food. To everyone’s surprise, carbohydrate intake is not at odds with reducing diets.

For a long time it has been considered that carbohydrates should disappear from dishes, due to their energy contribution. An energy we believed was turned into fat.

However, taken in the right doses, they are not harmful to health. We have many misconceptions about what are the best ingredients for losing sizes.

What foods to use to enhance reducing diets?

Below we offer you a list of foods that help you promote reducing diets.

1. Whole grain cereals

reducing diets

Cereals have a very bad reputation in the field of diets. However, they are a great ally, if you use the right varieties: the full grain ones. We refer to those that are unrefined, such as whole grains, oats, spelled, quinoa. .. They are high in fiber, essential to eliminate fat and detoxify your intestines.

The contribution of fiber helps to stimulate the feeling of satiety. In addition, and according to an article published in the journal The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,  the regular intake of this substance contributes to reducing cardiovascular risk.

Read product labels well. In some stores they sell “cereals with fiber”, but they are not whole grains. Although they are better than whites, they are not a good choice, as they are refined.

2. Fruit

One of the drawbacks of conventional reducing diets is the craving for sweets. It is necessary to flee from added sugars, because they do turn into fat immediately.

In addition to fructose, fruit is capable of providing the necessary enzymes to metabolize food. On the other hand, it is rich in pectins, a fiber that stimulates the growth of bacteria in the intestinal microbiota, according to research published in the journal FEMS Microbiology Ecology. The best are the following:

  • The Kiwi.
  • The Apple.
  • Grapefruit.
  •  Strawberries.

3. Avocado

Avocado is a food that is commonly noted for its surprising nutritional value. It is an incredible source of healthy, plant-based fats that are necessary for the body to function properly and to keep the intestinal flora in shape.

You can take it in many ways, but the ideal way to enhance reducing diets is to replace the oil with this fruit. In addition, it generates a great feeling of satiety.

4. Eggs

Like the previous case, the egg contains healthy fats. In addition, they provide us with many proteins. You may associate this element with people who go to the gym regularly. Now, they are not only beneficial for those who are looking for a very marked musculature.

The truth is that they protect and activate the muscles, which is perfect for reducing volume. This is because an increase in muscle mass leads to an increase in energy expenditure.

5. Eat salmon to boost healthy diets

Again one of those foods so punished by gossip, because it is a fatty fish. However, what salmon gives us is healthy, so more than representing a problem, it is part of the solution. On the other hand, it has a large percentage of proteins, can it be more complete?

6. Tuna

The best thing to do is to eat it fresh, since this way we can take advantage of all its properties: protein, little fat and few calories. We are many lovers of canned tuna, and in this case we recommend that you choose canned in its juice. In case you resort to the one that contains oil, go for the olive one, and only half a can. In fact, this last alternative is a good ingredient for your breakfast.

7. Legumes

They are suitable to promote healthy diets because they provide a lot of fiber. In some places, they tend to cook them with a lot of fat, such as black pudding, bacon … If this is your case, don’t forget that there are many recipes available in which you can use legumes and take care of the line at the same time.

Include these foods in the diet for reducing diets

Have you noticed that we have rarely talked about calories? Although we seek to eat fewer calories than we use, the best way to lose weight is to select those elements that help accelerate the metabolism. This is the key to promoting reducing diets. Obviously, calorie balancing is necessary, but you also have to think about health.

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